The APM Blog

March 17, 2016
Pete Goldin

As technology continues to be a business differentiator and provide competitive advantage, tech budgets are increasing for almost half of organizations (46%), according to the annual Forecast Survey from Computerworld ...

March 15, 2016
Gabriel Lowy

In Part 2 of this blog, we highlight new regulations in the global securities industry that underscore the risks companies face when they don’t have a good handle on user experience or application performance across the application delivery chain ...

March 14, 2016
Gabriel Lowy

The PADS (Performance Analytics Decision Support) Framework recommends a more strategic approach to user experience and application performance. But deeper intelligence into the application delivery chain can also help companies meet compliance and security requirements more effectively in order to achieve their risk management objectives ...

March 10, 2016
Gabriel Lowy

A Tech-Tonics Advisors study revealed that among S&P 500 companies, those that take a unified approach to gain better visibility into user experience outperform their peer group in revenue growth, profitability and market valuation. We also found that companies with a unified approach deploy a fewer number of tools. This suggests that a higher level of efficiency with IT Ops data can drive sustained competitive advantage at lower total cost of ownership ...

March 08, 2016
Larry Haig

The first aspect of Front End Optimization (FEO) practice in Operations is understanding the outturn performance to external end points (usually end users). This is achieved through monitoring ...

March 07, 2016
Larry Haig

After establishing that End User Monitoring and Front End Optimization (FEO) are alive and well, I thought it would make sense to look at the current landscape of tools that can help in this area ...

March 02, 2016
Pete Goldin

IT and business professionals in the US and Europe understand the value of adopting a digital business model but struggle to find the best way to engineer it to deliver the greatest value to employees and customers, according to new research from Unisys Corporation ...

March 01, 2016
Russell Rothstein
IT Central Station

When it comes to DevOps solutions, there’s a dizzying choice of technology providers out there, from established enterprise companies to smaller headline-grabbing startups. Potential buyers can find it difficult to break through the vendor noise and FUD to really understand which solution will best fits their needs. I’d like to share some of the latest DevOps reviews on IT Central Station, so you can make your buying decisions free of vendor interference ...

February 29, 2016
Russell Rothstein
IT Central Station

When it comes to Application Performance Management (APM), there is a huge choice of solutions on the market, both from more established names as well as newer solutions. It can be hard for potential buyers to sort through the available options to really understand which solution will best fit their needs. IT Central Station helps to solve this problem, by providing a platform for real users to give in-depth reviews for a wide range of enterprise technology solutions. With an active community of over 130,000 users adding their expert reviews to our site, we’ve become a vital source of trusted information about enterprise technology. I’d like to share some of the newest APM reviews on our site, to help you make a more informed buyer decision ...

February 25, 2016
Pete Goldin

Increasingly diverse demands from next generation technologies is changing the role of network professionals, according to the 2016 Network World State of the Network study by IDG’s Network World ...

February 22, 2016
Larry Haig

Once upon a time, client side performance was a relatively straightforward matter. Fast forward to today, though, and the situation demands a variety of approaches to cope with the extreme diverseness of delivery conditions ...

February 18, 2016
Larry Dragich
Technology Executive

We are only limited by our beliefs and the perceptions we have of what is real and what brings us value. The end users of our critical business systems are no different, and with the convergence of technology finding its way to their own personal devices, meeting the expectations of a quality customer experience for everyone is much more difficult ...

February 16, 2016
John Stevens

When it comes to website speed, how quickly items on your page load (or don’t!) and how quickly pages will come up for a user when they click on something new, did you know that it could be costing you, and/or your business, money? ...

February 09, 2016
Pete Goldin

SDN is not expected to truly catch on in 2016, according to some experts on APMdigest's 2016 predictions list, however a recent International Data Corporation (IDC) forecast says: the worldwide software-defined networking (SDN) market — comprising physical network infrastructure, virtualization/control software, SDN applications (including network and security services), and professional services — will have a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 53.9% from 2014 to 2020 and will be worth nearly $12.5 billion in 2020 ...

February 04, 2016
Shamus McGillicuddy

It’s hard to define software-defined networking (SDN) as one thing, given that it is applied to so many different areas of networking: Data centers, enterprise campus, the WAN, radio access networks, etc. And each vendor that introduces an SDN product to the market is working from a definition that fits into its own strategy. But … what do those people who deploy SDN have to say? ...

February 02, 2016
Pete Goldin

IT and business executives agree that digital transformation and the use of hybrid clouds are key to competitive success in the digital age, according to a new study conducted by IDG Research Services ...

January 26, 2016
Pete Goldin

Companies are beginning the business mobility transformation — transitioning from the client-server era to the mobile-cloud era — shifting at least one core business process to the mobile paradigm, according to the VMware 2015 State of Business Mobility Report ...

January 19, 2016
Dennis Drogseth

I thought I’d begin the year by making some predictions about what to look for in 2016 in the area of IT service management (ITSM). In addition, I thought I’d add a little color by placing some personal bets about the likelihood of real progress in each area in 2016. Feel free to share your own thoughts on these. If you’re more accurate than I am (which could easily transpire), I promise to celebrate your insights in December 2016 ...

January 15, 2016
Pete Goldin

According to Brocade, moving into 2016, more businesses are expected to leverage smart machines and transformative technologies to give them a clear competitive advantage. Brocade outlines the top transformative technology trends in networking to watch for in 2016 and beyond ...

January 13, 2016
Dennis Drogseth

There is growing industry attention to user, customer, and digital experience management — often condensed by the acronym UEM for “user experience management.” This attention is more than justified, but most of the buzz leaves out critical questions like, “What is user experience management?”, “Who really runs (or who should run) the UEM show in the digital age?”, “What are its real benefits?”, and “What’s still missing from most UEM-related deployments?” In this blog I’m going to attempt to provide a few insights on each of these questions ...
