
September 26, 2024

By 2026, 30% of enterprises will automate more than half of their network activities, an increase from under 10% in mid-2023, according to Gartner ...

September 25, 2024

A recent report by Enterprise Management Associates (EMA) reveals that nearly 95% of organizations use a combination of do-it-yourself (DIY) and vendor solutions for network automation, yet only 28% believe they have successfully implemented their automation strategy. Why is this mixed approach so popular if many engineers feel that their overall program is not successful? ...

July 15, 2024

The average customer-facing incident takes nearly three hours to resolve (175 minutes) while the estimated cost of downtime is $4,537 per minute, meaning each incident can cost nearly $794,000, according to new research from PagerDuty ...

July 12, 2024

In MEAN TIME TO INSIGHT Episode 8, Shamus McGillicuddy, VP of Research, Network Infrastructure and Operations, at EMA discusses AutoCon with the conference founders Scott Robohn and Chris Grundemann ...

July 10, 2024

Companies prefer a mix of on-prem and cloud environments, according to the 2024 Global State of IT Automation Report from Stonebranch. In only one year, hybrid IT usage has doubled from 34% to 68% ...

May 17, 2024

In MEAN TIME TO INSIGHT Episode 6, Shamus McGillicuddy, VP of Research, Network Infrastructure and Operations, at EMA discusses network automation ...

February 26, 2024

SAP is a tool for automating business processes. Managing SAP solutions, especially with the shift to the cloud-based S/4HANA platform, can be intricate. To explore the concerns of SAP users during operational transformations and automation, a survey was conducted in mid-2023 by Digitate and Americas' SAP Users' Group ...

January 23, 2024

In the business landscape today, automation is no longer considered a luxury, it has become a necessity. It plays a crucial role in enhancing business resilience, elevating employee and customer experiences, and securing a competitive edge. A Gartner report found that a staggering 80% of executives believe that automation can be seamlessly integrated into any business decision ...

September 20, 2023

IT leaders are driving an increasing number of automation initiatives as a way to stay competitive, reduce costs and scale as they navigate an unpredictable social and economic environment, according to the 2023 State of Automation in IT survey conducted by Jitterbit ...

September 12, 2023

Only 33% of executives are "very confident" in their ability to operate in a public cloud environment, according to the 2023 State of CloudOps report from NetApp. This represents an increase from 2022 when only 21% reported feeling very confident ...

August 03, 2023

In Episode 3 of the EMA-APMdigest Podcast, Dan Twing, President and COO of Enterprise Management Associates talks with Robby Dick, Solutions Marketing Manager at BMC Software, about Workload Automation Transformation ...

July 27, 2023

In Episode 3 of the EMA-APMdigest Podcast, Dan Twing, President and COO of Enterprise Management Associates talks with Robby Dick, Solutions Marketing Manager at BMC Software, about Workload Automation Transformation ...

July 20, 2023

In Episode 3 of the EMA-APMdigest Podcast, Dan Twing, President and COO of Enterprise Management Associates talks with Robby Dick, Solutions Marketing Manager at BMC Software, about Workload Automation Transformation ...

June 26, 2023

Nearly all CIOs have seen IT automation projects get derailed, often because they try to do too much. But the IT skills gaps, layoffs or flat budgets and the increasing complexity of networks, automation is often the only way to scale up network management processes ... Any repetitive network management tasks can, and arguably should, be automated. Here are four examples of tasks that can be automated successfully with today's technology ...

June 21, 2023

A recent survey sponsored by airSlate took a deeper look into what's happening across IT and Ops departments and how embracing automation can get everyone back on track ...

June 20, 2023

While discussions surrounding digital transformation have been ongoing for over a decade, the progress made across industries and organizations varies. In this blog, we will explore the state of digital transformation and examine the critical role that Workload Automation (WLA) plays in supporting its development and ongoing operations. We will also delve into how organizations are leveraging WLA to drive their digital transformation initiatives ...

May 22, 2023

Before network engineers even begin the automation process, they tend to start with preconceived notions that oftentimes, if acted upon, can hinder the process. To prevent that from happening, it's important to identify and dispel a few common misconceptions currently out there and how networking teams can overcome them. So, let's address the three most common network automation myths ...

March 07, 2023

At the same time, reported network outages globally continue to grow in frequency, duration and fiscal impact. And as migration to the cloud continues at a pace of nearly 5% per year, the amount of control over those cloud-based services typically decreases, which further increases operational risk and the potential for increased costs ... Why are network service disruptions still such an issue? ...

March 02, 2023

This year, the survey behind the State of IT Operations Report dug into IT teams' most challenging efficiency hurdles and limitations. The results showcase significant discoveries about how automation is increasing IT agility, reducing costs, and enhancing IT operations teams' endpoint management capabilities in the modern workplace ...

February 28, 2023

During economic uncertainty, enterprises want improved business uptime, productivity gains, and revenue assurance ... It is vital to have a resilient IT and business infrastructure in place. However, with pressure on cost control, reducing and optimizing budgets, companies can't simply hire more support staff, so other optimization avenues need to be explored ...

February 21, 2023

Digital transformation is challenging, especially for finance, manufacturing, and oil and gas businesses. These companies face the daunting task of modernizing legacy IT systems and applications, which often consume a significant portion, sometimes up to 40%, of their IT budget while keeping up with the demands of a fast-paced, digital-first world. One study estimated that just 30% of initiatives achieve their transformation targets, implying works needs to be done to understand and overcome the inclusion of legacy applications in digital transformation initiatives ...

February 14, 2023

Organizations find increasing difficulty in maintaining software reliability and security as the demand for continuous release cycles and the rising complexity of cloud-native environments create more risk for undetected defects and vulnerabilities to escape into production, according to the 2023 Global CIO Report, Observability and Security Convergence: Enabling Faster, More Secure Innovation in the Cloud, from Dynatrace ...

February 09, 2023

What the recent failures from Internet giants demonstrate is that the question of the next outage is not if, but when. Moreover, the downstream effect of major outages to essential Internet infrastructure, such as cloud platforms, CDNs or DNS providers, means that no company is immune, no matter how well prepared they think they are ...

February 01, 2023

In the network engineering world, many teams have yet to realize the immense benefit real-time collaboration tools can bring to a successful automation strategy. By integrating a collaboration platform into a network automation strategy — and taking advantage of being able to share responses, files, videos and even links to applications and device statuses — network teams can leverage these tools to manage, monitor and update their networks in real time, and improve the ways in which they manage their networks ...

January 05, 2023

There are two words that strike fear in every IT professional: "unplanned outage." These come with a steep price tag: A recent report, The Modern IT Outage: Costs, Causes and Cures, found that downtime due to unplanned outages costs businesses $12,900 per minute ...
