The APM Blog

October 13, 2014
Dennis Drogseth

Last month I introduced some recent — and I believe highly significant — research into the area of what EMA calls "Advanced Operations Analytics" or AOA. In that blog, I defined AOA as "big data for IT" and went on to explain how it transcends operations to include all of IT as well as some business constituents. In parallel, AOA also supports many multiple use cases.Now I’d like to share some of the "use case" insights and perspectives we learned from the research ...

October 07, 2014
Gabriel Lowy

Pursuing DevOps ROI (return on investment) is compelling for organizations that adopt this approach to agile development practices. With the evolution toward cloud and mobile apps that run on converged infrastructures companies that implement DevOps processes can realize significant benefits in the three components of ROI. These include reduced costs, enhanced productivity and faster time to revenue. DevOps can also help mitigate risks, such as customer loss due to poor user experience, operational inefficiencies, and non-compliance with GRC (governance, regulatory, compliance) mandates ...

October 03, 2014
Pete Goldin

IT is more and more a key component of all business initiatives and is becoming an important part of those budgets, according to Gartner. CIOs must work with business executives and the CFO to ensure that the critical contribution of IT is incorporated early in the strategic planning and budget planning processes ...

September 30, 2014
Pete Goldin

Poor image optimization on web pages has a clear measurable impact on the user experience, according to a new report entitled Progressive Image Rendering: Good or Evil? ...

September 23, 2014
Bob Wescott
The Every Computer Performance Book

Performance work is a great career as everything change over time and with each change comes new performance challenges. There are always things to do and things to learn. Good performance work can save the company and put your kids though college ...

September 17, 2014
Dennis Drogseth

EMA has just completed a groundbreaking research project assessing just how IT organizations are seeking to invest in, optimize, integrate and prioritize use cases for what we call "Advanced Operations Analytics" or "AOA" ...

September 12, 2014
Pete Goldin

In a recent survey, Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise collected primary research among 1,000 members of its international customer base and 300 of its channel partners to identify the main challenges and opportunities for enterprises which have been created by developments in technology and behavior. Called out here are four of the top findings concerned the following topics ...

September 11, 2014
Gabriel Lowy

Once again, Apple has shown its product and marketing prowess with the launch of the iPhone 6 models and the Apple Watch. Cool as they may be, ApplePay could be the most significant illustration of how Apple necessitates the PADS Framework ...

September 09, 2014
Pete Goldin

The median page of the top 100 retail websites has grown 67% in just one year - and many are failing to leverage advanced techniques to help accelerate their pages, according to Radware's latest quarterly study ...

August 26, 2014
Julie Craig

Every vendor-hosted APM offering is different, and it is up to the consumer to go into the selection process with a clear understanding of what is most important to his/her company. For potential customers seeking a cloud option delivering a comprehensive, end to end APM perspective, the options are limited ...

August 22, 2014
Julie Craig

Enterprise-grade APM solutions have traditionally had a reputation for being complex and difficult to deploy. Virtually every enterprise-sized company is supporting a mix of applications written in multiple languages, running on different OSs, anchored by exotic technologies such as caching and acceleration and increasingly extending into the public cloud. Monitoring each of these components in context to end-to-end execution can be a daunting proposition – which is why APM products tend to be more complex to deploy than, say, a server monitoring tool. That being said, an increasing number of IT organizations are seeking an alternative, and, not surprisingly, an increasing number of vendors are now offering "APM as a Service" ...

August 18, 2014
J. Rakowski

Last year, Forrester released a report in which we highlighted that 32% of respondents to our Forrsights Business Decision-Makers Survey in 2012 stated that they believe their IT department hinders business success. Unfortunately in 2014, this figure has jumped to 43% ...

August 14, 2014
Larry Dragich
Technology Executive

At the time when we were looking for a monitoring solution (2006-2007), APM as we know it today had yet to be defined. There was no Gartner MQ; real-user-monitoring (RUM) was too high level; “agent monitoring” brought concerns of overhead and complexity; instrumenting the application meant to ARM it (i.e. Application Response Measurement); and transaction tagging was a pipe dream. This created a fierce debate on the risks and rewards of agent vs. agentless monitoring. So, when we were developing our monitoring approach, our first priority was to do no harm, then collect performance metrics ...

August 11, 2014
Bob Wescott
The Every Computer Performance Book

It is often the case that we just sample the response times of a few transactions rather than metering all of them. When sampling, how do you know you’ve sampled enough to get an average response time that is representative of all the transactions? ...

August 08, 2014
Pete Goldin

Companies that reduced IT complexities were able to realize average annual benefits of $83 million, according to a new study released this summer from IDC ...

August 06, 2014
Gabriel Lowy

Despite heavy investment in data management and monitoring platforms, the financial services industry still lacks real-time operational intelligence to enable better business decision-making and prevent systems and service failures and catastrophic trading errors. These outages expose institutions to undue risk and compliance violations that can cost organizations millions of dollars in financial losses and regulatory fines. They also undermine investor confidence and damage firm reputation ...

July 30, 2014
Ken Godskind
APM Examiner

Our digital businesses depend on the user experiences delivered by our application. APM helps us proactively measure the end user experience, understand an applications flow through our architecture, and monitor the infrastructures that deliver the application: services, software, networks, servers and databases. And this has helped make us much better, yet we are still faced with many challenges ...

July 24, 2014
Larry Haig

In considering alerting, the core issue is not whether a given tool will generate alerts, as anything sensible certainly will. Rather, the central problem is what could be termed the actionability of the alerts generated. Failure to flag issues related to poor performance is a clear no-no, but unfortunately over-alerting has the same effect, as these will rapidly be ignored ...

July 17, 2014
Dennis Drogseth

Today's blog will center on some examples of we call "external metrics" based on use cases, as well as on planning meaningful ROI metrics in conjunction with specific use-case benefits ...

July 10, 2014
Larry Dragich
Technology Executive

Monitoring application performance on the surface and the currents below is a great way to build a performance baseline and provide application fluency. Ironically, the deep dive tools sets in place today still may not provide all the insight you need to quickly resolve anomalous behavior ...
