The APM Blog

May 13, 2021
Andy Thurai
The Field CTO

Modern complex systems are easy to develop and deploy but extremely difficult to observe. Their IT Ops data gets very messy. If you have ever worked with modern Ops teams, you will know this. There are multiple issues with data, from collection to processing to storage to getting proper insights at the right time. I will try to group and simplify them as much as possible and suggest possible solutions to do it right ...

May 03, 2021
Valerie O'Connell

Vendors and their visions often run ahead of the real-world pack — at least, the good ones do, because progress begins with vision. The downside of this rush to tomorrow is that IT practitioners can be left to ponder the practicality of technologies and wonder if their organization is ahead of the market curve or sliding behind in an invisible race that is always competitive ...

April 07, 2021
Terry Critchley
Author of "Making It in IT"

Application availability depends on the availability of other elements in a system, for example, network, server, operating system and so on, which support the application. Concentrating solely on the availability of any one block will not produce optimum availability of the application for the end user ...

February 16, 2021
Andy Thurai
The Field CTO

The AI+ITOPS Podcast just hit the 10K + download mark early this month. Most people listen to entire episodes, and many engage with us by sending a note on LinkedIn, Twitter, a direct email asking questions, clarifications, strategy advice, product selection advice ...

February 08, 2021
Terry Critchley
Author of "Making It in IT"

The onrushing Covid-19 pandemic has made online learning, in whatever form can be achieved in a short time, mandatory across nearly all academic institutions. Much of this will persist although "seat of the pants" online training will need development to mimic face-to-face teaching as far as possible ...

January 19, 2021
Akshaya Choudhary
Cigniti Technologies

Given the limitations of the existing IT solutions to manage data, enterprises are leveraging AIOps to undertake a host of activities. These include understanding and predicting customer behavior, detecting anomalies and determining their reasons, and offering prescriptive advice. It helps to detect dependencies responsible for creating issues in an IT infrastructure. Also, with AI having features such as containerization, continuous monitoring, predictive or adaptive cloud management, enterprises can gain a next-gen perspective on their business ...

November 03, 2020
Akshaya Choudhary
Cigniti Technologies

As new technologies are incorporated to develop attractive, fast, feature-rich, secure, responsive, and turnkey software solutions, the expectations of customers continue to rise. They want their software applications to be high performing irrespective of the digital devices, browsers, operating systems, or networks. And with the preponderance of so many avenues and systems, the complexity of software systems (and their failure) is bound to increase. To address such challenges, enterprises need to look beyond traditional software quality assurance services and embrace quality engineering ...

September 17, 2020
Dennis Drogseth

One of the benefits of doing the EMA Radar Report: AIOps- A Guide for Investing in Innovation was getting data from all 17 vendors on critical areas ranging from deployment and adoption challenges, to cost and pricing, to architectural and functionality insights across everything from heuristics, to automation, and data assimilation ...

September 10, 2020
Dennis Drogseth

How is the AIOps market evolving? The answer in five words is: "Toward increasing levels of diversity." In the EMA Radar Report AIOps: A Guide for Investing in Innovation, EMA examined 17 vendors with cross-domain AIOps capabilities, along with doing 31 deployment interviews, and discovered a high degree of variety in design, functionality and purpose ...

September 03, 2020
Akshaya Choudhary
Cigniti Technologies

Businesses — in order to remain competitive, agile, innovative, secure, and profitable — are embracing digital transformation. However, achieving success has often been a pipedream for many given the need to usher in cultural change and upgrade of the legacy systems. So, even when business leaders are in agreement with the need for embracing enterprise digital transformation, why is it that only a few have implemented it? What are the biggest barriers to a successful digital transformation initiative? Let us find out ...

September 02, 2020
Andy Thurai
The Field CTO

Most business executives are worried about the competition taking them down. What they don't realize is, their own IT can do an equal amount of damage. Without realizing this fact, most organizations are one high-profile incident away from losing a lot of their customers ...

August 19, 2020
Terry Critchley
Author of "Making It in IT"

Some years ago, the computer systems' key focus was on performance and many articles, products and efforts were evident in this area. A few years later, the emphasis moved to high availability (HA) of hardware and software and all the other machinations they entail. Today the focus is on (cyber)security. These discrete environments' boundaries have now blurred under the heading of resilience. The main components of resilience are ...

August 13, 2020
Pete Goldin

Retail companies typically start planning and testing in August and freeze code in September, but — according to a new survey commissioned by Catchpoint — due to COVID-19, most respondents (58%) are starting their planning and testing earlier than before ...

July 22, 2020
Terry Critchley
Author of "Making It in IT"

How does one acquire skills at the level appropriate to ones' self? Not by reading tomes at various levels; I have tried that and often understand every paragraph I read but still fail to grasp the subject. Sound familiar? It dawned on me that it was better to read a few small articles on the subject, maybe more than once, and eventually you should hit that "Eureka" moment when the topic slips into place. What follows is what I learned about learning; over many decades in IT ...

July 16, 2020
Akshaya Choudhary
Cigniti Technologies

eCommerce companies have entered into the domain of mobile applications given the huge number of customers using such apps on their smartphones on the go. However, these apps are vulnerable to both performance and security issues. Performance-wise, the apps may slow down while loading or transacting, give erroneous counts, become non-responsive across devices, and many more. So, the need of the hour for enterprises developing such applications is to invest in eCommerce performance testing ...

July 13, 2020
Andy Thurai
The Field CTO

Newly distributed operations teams are struggling to cope with the sudden change to the WFH (work from home) concept. IT operations teams were traditionally set up to work from centralized locations, unlike software and engineering teams. Some organizations have overcome that by implementing AIOps solutions; others are using a brute force method of employing more IT operations analysts to keep the distributed NOCs going ...

June 25, 2020
Sean McDermott
Windward Consulting Group

I've had the opportunity to work with a number of organizations embarking on their AIOps journey. I always advise them to start by evaluating their needs and the possibilities AIOps can bring to them through five different levels of AIOps maturity. This is a strategic approach that allows enterprises to achieve complete automation for long-term success ...

June 18, 2020
John DuBois
NTT DATA Services

For IT teams, run-the-business, commodity areas such as employee help desks, device support and communication platforms are regularly placed in the crosshairs for cost takeout, but these areas are also highly visible to employees. Organizations can improve employee satisfaction and business performance by building unified functions that are measured by employee experience rather than price. This approach will ultimately fund transformation, as well as increase productivity and innovation ...

June 10, 2020
Juan Orlandini
Insight Enterprises

In recent years, with the emergence of newer technologies ranging from the cloud to machine learning, IT modernization has evolved from a replacement of end-of-life infrastructure to an enabler of innovation and business value. It is a complex process that can take months or even years, but a recent survey shows that the effort begins to deliver measurable results almost as soon as an organization executes the first steps on its roadmap ...

May 14, 2020
Akshaya Choudhary
Cigniti Technologies

Digital technologies have enveloped our lives like never before. Be it on the personal or professional front, we have become dependent on the accurate functioning of digital devices and the software running them. The performance of the software is critical in running the components and levers of the new digital ecosystem. And to ensure our digital ecosystem delivers the required outcomes, a robust performance testing strategy should be instituted ...
