The APM Blog

November 17, 2010
Michael Procopio
Micro Focus

I was reading BSM versus Cloud – which is the larger idea?, a post by Dennis Drogseth, and it caused me to think of the relationship between the what’s behind BSM and how it relates to what SaaS offers. I know Dennis from my Network Management Center and Business Availability Center days as product manager and a product marketer – he’s a sharp guy.

November 03, 2010
Dennis Drogseth

This may sound like a biased opinion given that my area of focus is Business Service Management in multiple contexts, but I find all the attention to "cloud" as an ENDGAME in itself a little bit ridiculous.

November 01, 2010
Pete Goldin

BSMdigest is taking another key step in support of the BSM industry by launching The BSM Blog.

Our goal is to provide an objective and insightful industry blog where multiple experts in BSM can voice their opinions, discuss the latest happenings, offer strategic guidance, and even debate the issues. Topics will include a wide range of Business Service Management issues, with a focus on private and public cloud, virtualization, end-user monitoring, performance and capacity management - all the issues that impact your BSM initiatives. We aim to provide you with the definitive blog on BSM.

September 20, 2010
Julie Craig

Julie Craig, Research Director at EMA, outlines the 5 factors of cloud that impact decision making on management tools ...
