Feature Articles

September 27, 2017

A recent global Gartner survey revealed that 75 percent of end-user organizations would be willing to pay more for 5G ...

September 19, 2017

IT professionals tend to go above and beyond the scope of their core responsibilities as the changing business landscape demands more of their attention, both inside and outside of the office, according to the Little-Known Facts survey conducted by SolarWinds in honor of IT Professionals Day ...

September 18, 2017

Digital video consumption is viral and, according to a new study released by IBM and International Broadcasting Convention (IBC), more than half of the 21,000 consumers surveyed are using mobiles every day to watch streaming videos, and that number is expected to grow 45 percent in the next three years ...

September 14, 2017

Enterprise IT environments are becoming more heterogeneous and complex, with fragmentation permeating cloud infrastructure, tooling and culture, according to a survey recently conducted by IOD Cloud Technologies Research in partnership with Cloudify ...

August 23, 2017

Digital workplace programs often lose their way, or fail, due to a fragmented approach that prioritizes a few technology "fixes" over business strategy, according to Gartner, Inc. To combat this, digital workplace leaders need to employ a framework to ensure their digital workplace initiatives address all of the eight critical components required for a successful implementation ...

August 16, 2017

The emerging technologies on the Gartner Inc. Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies, 2017 reveal three distinct megatrends that will enable businesses to survive and thrive in the digital economy over the next five to 10 years ...

August 02, 2017

The growth of digital business and the Internet of Things (IoT) is expected to drive large investment in IT operations management (ITOM) through 2020, according to Gartner ...

July 19, 2017

Market hype and growing interest in artificial intelligence (AI) are pushing established software vendors to introduce AI into their product strategy, creating considerable confusion in the process, according to Gartner. Analysts predict that by 2020, AI technologies will be virtually pervasive in almost every new software product and service ...

July 12, 2017

Achieving broad competence in event-driven IT will be a top three priority for the majority of global enterprise CIOs by 2020, according to Gartner, Inc. Defining an event-centric digital business strategy will be key to delivering on the growth agenda that many CEOs see as their highest business priority ...

June 30, 2017

Earlier this year, DEVOPSdigest — a partner site of APMdigest — featured a list of expert opinions on the essential steps to become agile. Now that we have an idea on how to achieve agility, however, we have to consider why. What's the payoff? With this question in mind, DEVOPSdigest asked the experts for their opinions on what are the most important advantages of being Agile ...

June 19, 2017

Hybrid IT is becoming a standard enterprise model, but there’s no single playbook to get there, according to a new report by Dimension Data entitled The Success Factors for Managing Hybrid IT ...

June 06, 2017

Today's app development landscape is competitive and expensive. Thousands of apps are released each month, and user acquisition and retention are costing app developers millions. User abandonment is one of the main battles of every app developer — as every lost user means another wasted investment ...

May 22, 2017

APMdigest asked experts across the industry for their opinions on the next steps for ITOA. Part 5 offers some interesting final thoughts ...

May 19, 2017

APMdigest asked experts across the industry for their opinions on the next steps for ITOA. Part 4 covers automation and the dynamic IT environment ...

May 18, 2017

APMdigest asked experts across the industry for their opinions on the next steps for ITOA. Part 3 covers monitoring and user experience ...

May 17, 2017

APMdigest asked experts across the industry for their opinions on the next steps for ITOA. Part 2 covers visibility and data ...

May 16, 2017

Managing application performance today requires analytics. IT Operations Analytics (ITOA) is often used to augment or built into Application Performance Management solutions to process the massive amounts of metrics coming out of today's IT environment. But today ITOA stands at a crossroads as revolutionary technologies and capabilities are emerging to push it into new realms. So where is ITOA going next? With this question in mind, APMdigest asked experts across the industry — including analysts, consultants and vendors — for their opinions on the next steps for ITOA ...

May 15, 2017

Digital transformation initiatives are more successful when they have buy-in from across the business, according to a new report titled Digital Transformation Trailblazing: A Data-Driven Approach ...

May 10, 2017

Colin Fletcher, Research Director at Gartner, talks about Algorithmic IT Operations (AIOps) and the challenges and recommendations for AIOps adoption ...

May 09, 2017

In APMdigest's exclusive interview, Colin Fletcher, Research Director at Gartner, talks about Algorithmic IT Operations (AIOps) and how it will impact ITOA and APM ...

April 25, 2017

While the idea of shifting toward digital business was speculative for most CEOs a few years ago, it has become a reality for many in 2017. 47 percent of CEOs are being challenged by the board of directors to make progress in digital business, and 56 percent said that their digital improvements have already improved profits ...

April 17, 2017

One of the most ubiquitous words in the development and DevOps vocabularies is "Agile." It is that shining, valued, and sometimes elusive goal that all enterprises strive for. But how do you get there? How does your organization become truly Agile? With these questions in mind, DEVOPSdigest asked experts across the industry — including analysts, consultants and vendors — for their opinions on the best way for a development or DevOps team to become more Agile ...

March 31, 2017

IT operations staff are spending over 30% of their time on new service requests and supporting issue resolution, while only 15% of their time is allocated to innovation, according to Optimization Drives Digital Transformation, a new report published by Dimension Data reveals ...

February 24, 2017

Global revenue in the BI and analytics software market is forecast to reach $18.3 billion in 2017, an increase of 7.3 percent from 2016, according to the latest Gartner forecast. Gartner believes the rapidly evolving modern BI and analytics market is being influenced by the following 7 dynamics ...

February 16, 2017

Hybrid Cloud is the preferred enterprise strategy, according to RightScale's 2017 State of the Cloud Report ...
