
April 24, 2012

If you're an IT executive trying to take control of your environment and optimize it for business outcomes — you're likely to be getting a lot of advice from a wide range of glib sources, and very little actual support ...

April 23, 2012

David Hurwitz, Senior Vice President of Marketing at Serena Software, discusses the challenges and advantages of DevOps ...

February 23, 2012

If an attacker were bogging down your apps, how would you know? You wouldn't, unless you bridge the gap between ops and security ...

January 30, 2012

Last month I attended the Gartner Data Center Conference in Las Vegas. This year, the hot topic was not only cloud computing but seems there were a lot of discussions around DevOps and analytics. Other topics of interest included Application Performance Monitoring (APM), End-user Experience (EUE), Business Transaction Management (BTM), Big Data and many more around IT operations. Take a peek at the few bits and bites I picked up ...

January 04, 2012

As a continuation of the APMdigest list of predictions for 2012, industry experts offer a range of predictions specifically on cloud management, and Application Performance Management in the cloud ...

December 20, 2011

Industry experts from analyst and consulting firms and all the top vendors offer thoughtful, insightful, and sometimes controversial predictions on how Application Performance Management and related BSM and ITSM technologies will change and impact business in 2012 ...

December 15, 2011

Instead of throwing applications “over the fence” blindly to operations, a fluid and much more effective DevOps process inserts transparency, efficiency and ownership into the art of developing, releasing and the production use of critical applications. It also binds the two traditionally siloed teams together. The following are six critical steps IT can take to improve DevOps collaboration and ultimately the business bottom line, profitability ...

November 22, 2011

To help retailers and businesses maximize the return on investments in these applications, the following are best practices retailers should implement when using an application performance monitoring solution in order to maintain these business-critical applications and ensure a good holiday season ...

November 11, 2011

Many things can, and will, go wrong during the development of an enterprise application. These issues underscore the importance of using test cycles to detect potential performance-robbing defects before the application is moved into production ...

November 11, 2011

Back in the “good” or “bad” old days, life used to be simpler for those of us focused on BSM. Application Management, though strategic, was domain-centric and BSM was where everything came together. But as technologies evolved, and a growing focus on real-time currency, in part due to cloud, caused a combination of panic and realignment in many IT organizations, APM became more cross-domain in nature and BSM became more of a watchword for strategies that get postponed for blue skies and quieter times ...

November 01, 2011

Will Cappelli, Gartner Research VP in Enterprise Management, discusses the past and future of APM, and its key components such as analytics and end-user experience monitoring ...

October 18, 2011

The difficulty of APM is that applications have many faces – kind of like multiple personalities ... The challenge is that each application has unique performance characteristics and user expectations that must be taken into account when managing performance ...

October 17, 2011

Alistair Croll, Principal Analyst at Bitcurrent and Content Chair of Cloud Connect, talks about the cloud market and the Cloud Connect event.

May 22, 2010

VMware's Javier Soltero, founder of Hyperic, talks about virtualization and BSM.
