Outpace Rising IT Costs with Managed Services for a Scalable Future
August 05, 2024

Jonathan Lerner
InterVision Systems

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Businesses of all sizes are grappling with rising IT costs, which are placing increasing strain on budgets and diverting resources from core operations. These expenses include everything from hardware like servers and networking equipment to software licenses and subscriptions to salaries for in-house IT staff who often find themselves overstretched. As your business expands, its IT needs and demands will grow correspondingly, further compounding the financial and laboral burden.

Managed IT services offer a powerful solution to these problems, enabling you to control costs, reduce labor and refocus on driving growth. By outsourcing IT management, your company can leverage enterprise-level skills and support without the substantial overhead associated with maintaining an internal IT department. This approach frees up your staff to concentrate on strategic initiatives and revenue-generating activities rather than constantly putting out technological fires.

But the benefits of managed IT services extend beyond mere cost control. They provide businesses with access to 24/7 support and monitoring, improved cybersecurity measures, regular updates and maintenance and the ability to scale IT infrastructure in line with business growth. This can lead to faster problem resolution, reduced downtime and overall improved IT efficiency and performance.

There are several upcoming IT management trends that your organization can leverage to stay ahead of the competitive curve:

Continued increased adoption of cloud-based managed services

Gartner predicts that over 85% of businesses will be cloud-first by next year, and that soon, cloud-based revenue could surpass non-cloud-based revenue — and for good reason, as the cloud offers unprecedented flexibility when it comes to data access. Employees can securely retrieve and work with company information regardless of their location or time zone, which has become necessary in the age of work-from-anywhere arrangements.

Organizations that embrace advanced cloud strategies can expect to streamline their data management processes, leading to enhanced operational efficiency. This improved data handling capability often translates into better service delivery, as your teams can respond more quickly and accurately to customer needs. The ripple effect of these improvements leads to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty, benefiting your bottom line.

AI and automation's growing importance

In data processing, these technologies minimize errors and enhance accuracy, leading to more reliable information for decision-making. AI-driven data visualization can reveal previously hidden patterns and insights, revolutionizing how you interpret your data and leverage it for strategic planning and operational improvements. AI and automation can also streamline various data integration tasks. From bolstering data security to facilitating smoother data migrations, these technologies are optimizing processes throughout the data lifecycle.

Data security and privacy considerations

Data security should be a top priority to keep your customers' information safe and protect your business. Data breaches are expensive, time-consuming and come with the risk of your customers losing trust in your organization. Embracing advanced security measures and collaborating with cloud providers allows you to safeguard their data effectively while maintaining brand trust and reputation.


Though the benefits of transitioning to managed IT services are clear, making this move is not without its challenges. Businesses must carefully select vendors, establish clear service level agreements and maintain regular communication with their managed service providers. This will help reduce concerns about data security and privacy when outsourcing, as well as the potential loss of control over IT infrastructure.

By effectively leveraging managed IT services, businesses can keep their technology costs under control and gain access to expertise and cutting-edge technologies that might otherwise be out of reach. By managing their IT services more efficiently, IT leaders can ensure that their technology stacks enhance, rather than hinder, their business operations.

Jonathan Lerner is CEO and President of InterVision Systems
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