
September 30, 2024

The OpenTelemetry Spring Boot starter is now stable.

September 12, 2024

The OpenTelemetry End-User SIG surveyed more than 100 OpenTelemetry users to learn more about their observability journeys and what resources deliver the most value when establishing an observability practice ... Regardless of experience level, there's a clear need for more support and continued education ...

August 06, 2024

The Crowdstrike outage has created no shortage of commentary, speculation, and armchair analysis on exactly how such a massive failure could occur. The level of discussion and scrutiny is warranted, most agree this is probably the largest IT outage in history ... The knee jerk response of a "How could someone possibly let this happen" is both clueless and misinformed ...

June 10, 2024

Istio and Envoy, open source projects that are part of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF), have added new OpenTelemetry (OTel) features.

April 15, 2024

Organizations recognize the value of observability, but only 10% of them are actually practicing full observability of their applications and infrastructure. This is among the key findings from the recently completed 2024 Observability Pulse Survey and Report ...

April 02, 2024

According to Grafana Labs' 2024 Observability Survey, it doesn't matter what industry a company is in or the number of employees they have, the truth is: the more mature their observability practices are, the more time and money they save. From AI to OpenTelemetry — here are four key takeaways from this year's report ...

March 19, 2024

The OpenTelemetry project is merging a profiling data model into its specification and working towards a stable implementation this year.

December 07, 2023

Part 4 covers OpenTelemetry: Next year, we're going to see more embrace of OpenTelemetry across the entire industry — opening up the future of instrumentation ...

November 13, 2023

At KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America 2023, the OpenTelemetry project announced general availability.

October 05, 2023

APM is being redefined by innovations in performance monitoring and a new perspective that places user experience at the center of the equation. Instead of requiring operators to constantly query the system about its status, modern observability solutions continually display the state of the system as part of normal operations. Visualizations enable operators to see problems quickly, in some cases even before they manifest themselves in a degraded user experience. In short, traditional APM is reactive while modern approaches are proactive and predictive ...

September 13, 2023

The OpenTelemetry PHP team announced that the opentelemetry-php library has progressed to Release Candidate stability.

May 25, 2023

Developers need a tool that can be portable and vendor agnostic, given the advent of microservices. It may be clear an issue is occurring; what may not be clear is if it's part of a distributed system or the app itself. Enter OpenTelemetry, commonly referred to as OTel, an open-source framework that provides a standardized way of collecting and exporting telemetry data (logs, metrics, and traces) from cloud-native software ...

December 07, 2022

Industry experts offer thoughtful, insightful, and often controversial predictions on how APM, AIOps, Observability, OpenTelemetry and related technologies will evolve and impact business in 2023. Part 3 covers OpenTelemetry ...

November 17, 2022

OpenTelemetry, a collaborative open source observability project, has introduced a new network protocol that addresses the infrastructure management headache, coupled with collector configuration options to filter and reduce data volume ...

October 27, 2022

After reading the seven previous parts of APMdigest's A Guide to OpenTelemetry, you may be convinced that OTel is the right path your organization. It may be inevitable ... APMdigest asked several industry experts for their advice on getting started ...

October 26, 2022

Just as questions arise about how Application Performance Management (APM) and OpenTelemetry impact each other, we also want to talk about the relationship between AIOps and OpenTelemetry ...

October 25, 2022

Since Application Performance Management (APM) is a major focus of APMdigest, in Part 6 we investigate the relationship between OpenTelemetry and APM. This leads to some important questions: How is OpenTelemetry different from APM? Do you need both, or does OpenTelemetry replace APM? ...

October 24, 2022

While OpenTelemetry offers many advantages, the experts point out several challenges as well ...

October 20, 2022

In Part 4, APMdigest covers the results that users can expect to achieve when adopting OpenTelemetry ...

October 19, 2022

One of the reasons OpenTelemetry is becoming so popular is because of the many advantages. In A Guide to OpenTelemetry, APMdigest breaks these advantages down into two groups: the beneficial capabilities of OpenTelemetry and the results users can expect from OpenTelemetry. In Part 3, we cover the capabilities ...

October 18, 2022
OpenTelemetry is not fully mature today, although you can begin to implement components currently. The question is: When will OpenTelemetry be fully ready? ...
October 17, 2022

OpenTelemetry — You have probably heard of it. You may already be using parts of it. In this 8-part blog series, posted over the next two weeks, APMdigest will explore OpenTelemetry, with input from a range of experts on the subject ...

June 21, 2022

Organizations are moving to microservices and cloud native architectures at an increasing pace. The primary incentive for these transformation projects is typically to increase the agility and velocity of software release and product innovation. These dynamic systems, however, are far more complex to manage and monitor, and they generate far higher data volumes ...

May 17, 2022

Between 2012 to 2015 all of the hyperscalers attempted to use the legacy APM solutions to improve their own visibility. To no avail. The problem was that none of the previous generations of APM solutions could match the scaling demand, nor could they provide interoperability due to their proprietary and exclusive agentry ...

December 13, 2021

Industry experts offer thoughtful, insightful, and often controversial predictions on how APM, AIOps, Observability, OpenTelemetry, and related technologies will evolve and impact business in 2022. Part 4 covers OpenTelemetry ...
