Vendor Forum

August 17, 2013
Jason Meserve
CA Technologies

Let’s face it, we as consumers are a finicky bunch. We expect 105 percent uptime and faster-than-instantaneous response time from the Web services and applications we interact and do business with ...

August 16, 2013
Srinivas Ramanathan
eG Innovations

One of the main bottom-line benefits gained from APM is a positive user experience ...

August 09, 2013
Jeannie Liou

The mobile enterprise has arrived. In a world where there will be more devices than people on earth by 2017 according to Cisco’s Visual Networking Index (VNI), mobility will continue to transform enterprises in a profound way that cannot be ignored. The idea of being able to interact with customers, prospects, and stay attuned to competitive pressures is not new, but the velocity at which the mobile market is maturing poses a new set of challenges ...

August 08, 2013
Eran Kinsbruner

To prepare their mobile apps for the real world, enterprises need to conduct performance testing under real network conditions and using real mobile devices. But it doesn't end there ...

August 06, 2013
Jim Young

It is only with the advent of the cloud and the leveraging of hypervisor that a truly revolutionary approach to monitoring is enabled, to provide a much simpler and more elegant solution ...

August 02, 2013
Vidya Vasu

This is precisely what we found out when we ran a survey across users who use ManageEngine free tools. Among the survey highlights, we found that mid-size and large enterprises - not cash-strapped solopreneurs, startups and SMBs - are the leading users of free tools ...

July 26, 2013
Diego Lomanto

The advent of IT Operations Analytics is finally allowing IT managers, operations personnel and business executives to benefit from sophisticated analytics capabilities ...

July 16, 2013
Stephen Pierzchala

With business profitability depending on fast, reliable web applications, superior application performance has never been more critical. But delivering high-performing applications can be extremely difficult. IT organizations find themselves squeezed between mounting complexity in the application delivery chain, increased user and business demand, and the manpower and funding to keep up ...

July 12, 2013
Jim Young

The allure of public clouds springs from advantages like improved service scalability, reduced operational costs, and an increased focus on business goals and strategies instead of the technology needed to pursue them. However, there is a cost to that flexibility and economy, in reduced visibility of application and infrastructure health ...

July 10, 2013
Ariel Gordon

IT operations handles hundreds, or even thousands, of console messages day in and day out – including weekends. It’s an ongoing 24x7 battle. Let's have a look at some tips that will help IT operations personnel deal with all of this by focusing on important events, while understanding their impact on delivery of business services ...

July 02, 2013
Sanjay Castelino

Network complexity has defined a new competitive skillset for IT professionals, according to a new SolarWinds survey ...

June 28, 2013
Jim Swepson

Attending Interop in Vegas last month, I was surprised to note the number of vendors exhibiting their wares under the banner of APM – Application Performance Management. With all the different offerings, it was rather confusing ...

June 25, 2013
Belinda Yung-Rubke

In a perfect universe, performance management is straightforward. When problems arise, they're easily detected, the source is obvious, and the trouble is quickly solved, never to return again. However, consolidated data centers aren't utopia and monitoring and managing network, application, and service performance isn't so simple. In many instances, performance degrades slowly over time, and problems come and go intermittently ...

June 24, 2013
Eran Kinsbruner

Here are some important guidelines to remember when you start to plan your mobile monitoring strategy ...

June 21, 2013
Matthew Selheimer

The Social IT Index, the first of its kind survey into the state of research and adoption of Social IT capabilities by IT organizations, reveals that Social IT research and adoption is quite active ...

June 20, 2013
Glenn Gray

Whether on vacation, working from home or on-the-go, an IT professional's work is rarely ever done. SolarWinds outlines five of the top IT challenges an IT pro may encounter when working remotely and offers practical tips for a real-time resolution ...

June 13, 2013
Vic Nyman
BlueStripe Software

APMdigest recently published a list of the top factors that impact application performance. Answers varied, but a common theme was that application complexity has become a major roadblock to high performance. EMA Analyst Julie Craig put it perfectly when she described an environment where the next problem could come from anywhere — not just from the application code. In this environment, Server Administrators face a huge challenge ...

June 11, 2013
Sasha Gilenson

IT Operations is now overwhelmed — by the volume, velocity and variety of change and configuration data, lacking insight or actionable information, all making change and configuration problems a chronic pain. As shown by recent surveys at the Gartner Data Center Summit and ServiceNow Knowledge13 conferences, where Evolven surveyed over 300 IT Operations professionals asking questions critical to IT operations management, 84% of IT professionals said that they want to significantly improve their IT operations management ...

June 10, 2013
Eran Kinsbruner

As the adoption and centrality of mobile business apps continue to grow, so does the need for enterprises and mobile carriers to ensure a flawless user experience. A recent report by Compuware highlights the increasingly high expectations that users have for accessing sites on mobile phones and tablets. 57% of surveyed users said that they would not recommend a business that had a bad mobile site. Moreover, 46% would not return to that website and 40% had turned to a competitor’s site after a disappointing experience. Clearly, bad performance is bad for business ...

June 07, 2013
Jason Meserve
CA Technologies

Cloud computing is exceeding expectations, according to The TechInsights Report 2013: Cloud Succeeds. Now What? commissioned by CA Technologies ...
