Vendor Forum

February 13, 2024
Grant Duxbury

Cloud computing continues to soar, with little signs of slowing down ... But, as with any new program, companies are seeing substantial benefits in the cloud but are also navigating budgetary challenges. With an estimated 94% of companies using cloud services today, priorities for IT teams have shifted from purely adoption-based to deploying new strategies. As they explore new territories, it can be a struggle to exploit the full value of their spend and the cloud's transformative capabilities ...

February 12, 2024
Melissa Burroughs

What will the enterprise of the future look like? If we asked this question three years ago, I doubt most of us would have pictured today as we know it: a future where generative AI has become deeply integrated into business and even our daily lives ...

January 31, 2024
Claude Zwicker

As data insights continue to be the key factor in driving business innovation and growth, organizations are constantly refining their data strategies, exploring frameworks like data mesh to give more users self-service access in producing and consuming data ... Whilst the distribution and delegation of responsibilities promoted through data mesh has many benefits, achieving an implementation that fulfills data security standards is not without its challenges. Many organizations run into issues around data access, governance, and privacy. Let's explore these issues further and some steps organizations can take to help overcome them ...

January 30, 2024
Ruben Franzen

Our technology landscape seems to be advancing at the speed of thought, so the significance of soft skills within service desk teams cannot be overstated. Out are the days of solely relying on technical expertise. In an era dominated by artificial intelligence (AI) and constant technological shifts, the human touch sets IT service desk professionals apart ...

January 29, 2024
Leo Vasiliou

As decentralized and complex systems shape the landscape, site reliability engineering (SRE) practices are evolving to meet the challenges posed by this paradigm shift. The recent SRE Report 2024, a comprehensive survey-based exploration conducted by Catchpoint, provides insights into the dynamic nature of SRE practices and the key considerations influencing the reliability landscape ...

January 23, 2024
Ritu Dubey

In the business landscape today, automation is no longer considered a luxury, it has become a necessity. It plays a crucial role in enhancing business resilience, elevating employee and customer experiences, and securing a competitive edge. A Gartner report found that a staggering 80% of executives believe that automation can be seamlessly integrated into any business decision ...

January 22, 2024
Gary Lyng
Hitachi Vantara

When it comes to maneuvering data, agility is key. While traditional current IT systems can offer stability and resilience, they also come with pain points that can hinder an enterprise's ability to adapt and keep up with customer demands. In response to these challenges, many companies are turning to IT as a Service (ITaaS) as a strategic solution to augment and gain the nimbleness they need to compete in a data-deluged world ...

January 18, 2024
Destiny Bertucci

The widespread shift to hybrid and remote work since the pandemic has complicated job responsibilities for network administrators who face complex new challenges to deliver dependable connectivity and security for their far-flung users ... To gain better industry context about how IT organizations are addressing these challenges, Enterprise Management Associates and Auvik conducted a recent survey of IT professionals who support the networking requirements of employees that work from home. From the research findings, it seems clear that most network operations teams are still struggling to solve this issue ...

January 12, 2024
Grant Duxbury

This next year is poised to be one of growth and innovation in how companies apply the cloud to their infrastructure. Here are a few key trends we predict will shape the cloud in 2024 ...

January 08, 2024
Krishna Dunthoori

Even for the average organization (i.e., one not of Amazon's size), the cost of application downtime stands at a staggering $5,600 per minute. Moreover, outages are continuing to increase, as more people within an organization are empowered to make changes to IT services. In fact, a large majority of all incidents reported to an IT service desk are caused by change. IT Service Management (ITSM) solutions are widely available to help solve this problem, with incident management as one of its main pillars ...

January 03, 2024
Mike Marks

Financial services and insurance (FSI) leaders are nearly unanimous in seeing improved digital employee experience (DEX) as essential to future success. The question is how organizations can best implement DEX improvements while beset with other IT and budget challenges ...

January 02, 2024
Gagan Singh

No one ever said Site Reliability Engineers (SREs) have it easy. SREs have to deal with ever-increasing amounts of data that is increasingly complex to discover and analyze. Heaps of metrics, logs, traces, and profiling data are also siloed, leading to a fragmented and opaque monitoring toolset to navigate operational efficiency and problem resolution ...

November 30, 2023
Landon Miles

To help you stay on top of the ever-evolving tech scene, Automox IT experts shake the proverbial magic eight ball and share their predictions about tech trends in the coming year. From M&A frenzies to sustainable tech and automation, these forecasts paint an exciting picture of the future ...

November 28, 2023
Jessica Abelson

Incident management processes are not keeping pace with the demands of modern operations teams, failing to meet the needs of SREs as well as platform and ops teams. Results from the State of DevOps Automation and AI Survey, commissioned by Transposit, point to an incident management paradox. Despite nearly 60% of ITOps and DevOps professionals reporting they have a defined incident management process that's fully documented in one place and over 70% saying they have a level of automation that meets their needs, teams are unable to quickly resolve incidents ...

November 27, 2023
Amitabh Sinha

Today, in the world of enterprise technology, the challenges posed by legacy Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) systems have long been a source of concern for IT departments. In many instances, this promising solution has become an organizational burden, hindering progress, depleting resources, and taking a psychological and operational toll on employees ...

November 22, 2023
Gregg Ostrowski

Within retail organizations across the world, IT teams will be bracing themselves for a hectic holiday season ... While this is an exciting opportunity for retailers to boost sales, it also intensifies severe risk. Any application performance slipup will cause consumers to turn their back on brands, possibly forever. Online shoppers will be completely unforgiving to any retailer who doesn't deliver a seamless digital experience ...

November 21, 2023
Kapil Tandon

Black Friday is a time when consumers can cash in on some of the biggest deals retailers offer all year long ... Nearly two-thirds of consumers utilize a retailer's web and mobile app for holiday shopping, raising the stakes for competitors to provide the best online experience to retain customer loyalty. Perforce's 2023 Black Friday survey sheds light on consumers' expectations this time of year and how developers can properly prepare their applications for increased online traffic ...

November 20, 2023
Ishan Mukherjee
New Relic

This holiday shopping season, the stakes for online retailers couldn't be higher ... Even an hour or two of downtime for a digital storefront during this critical period can cost millions in lost revenue and has the potential to damage brand credibility. Savvy retailers are increasingly investing in observability to help ensure a seamless, omnichannel customer experience. Just ahead of the holiday season, New Relic released its State of Observability for Retail report, which offers insight and analysis on the adoption and business value of observability for the global retail/consumer industry ...

November 16, 2023
Prashant Ketkar

As organizations struggle to find and retain the talent they need to manage complex cloud implementations, many are leaning toward hybrid cloud as a solution ... While it's true that using the cloud is not a "one size fits all" proposition, it is clear that both large and small companies prefer a hybrid cloud model ...

November 15, 2023
Jeremy Burton

In the same way a city is a sum of its districts and neighborhoods, complex IT systems are made of many components that continually interact. Observability requires a comprehensive and connected view of all aspects of the system, including even some that don't directly relate to its technological innards ...
