Vendor Forum

October 05, 2012
Belinda Yung-Rubke

Store discount coupons and multi-tier applications - two things you probably didn’t expect to read about today, yet together, they impact millions of people ...

September 14, 2012
Amy Feldman

In many organizations, security operations work in siloes to IT Operations. As a result, security vulnerabilities have to be handled twice: once by the SOC groups or security teams, and secondly by the IT Operations team who could not initially identify the issue. Consequently, you cannot establish any automation for information sharing or event correlation between security vulnerabilities and performance issues. Here are 10 tips for efficient SOC/NOC collaborate ...

September 11, 2012
Srinivas Ramanathan
eG Innovations

A recent Aberdeen Group survey indicates that only 31% of SAP deployments have been virtualized so far. When SAP users were questioned about the reasons for not moving to a virtualized infrastructure for supporting SAP, four key areas of concern were mentioned ...

September 06, 2012
Antonio Piraino

Hosting providers should be looking way beyond just a good discount from the vendors in order to survive ...

September 05, 2012
Antonio Piraino

In our recent survey, if there was a single clear delineation between AWS and Rackspace, both vying for cloud attention, Rackspace stands out as the pioneer in selling support services while AWS pioneered the hourly billing rate for raw storage and compute power. Putting it into perspective, there is a growing desire from hosting providers to emulate the superior management and support services that are being used in mid-size and large enterprises ...

September 04, 2012
Steve Tack

Imagine it's Black Friday, when all of the sudden … boom! Your most critical Web application goes awry, bringing your e-commerce operation to a screeching halt on the very day flawless performance is needed most ...

August 29, 2012
Denise Dubie
CA Technologies

Software development teams face increasing pressure to deliver high-quality apps on-time and within budget. Unfortunately, according to recent study results, those teams aren’t often equipped with the right tools and appropriate technology to adequately meet the demands of customer needs at low costs and in short timeframes. This reality often translates into applications that reflect poorly on the business ...

August 27, 2012
Charley Rich
Nastel Technologies

I have found that with leaks, it doesn’t matter how fast you bail, leaks will still take you down! Although the kinds of leaks we see in today's organizations are different than a water leak, a JVM leak can still be just as disastrous ...

August 24, 2012
Belinda Yung-Rubke

Application performance monitoring has become the focal point of IT operations and management. However, managing application performance is no longer the exclusive responsibility of the application team. Today we see network administration teams – that need to prove “it’s not the network” – also stepping up to participate in diagnosing application performance problems. To accomplish this, there are a number of network-based APM solutions on the market that target network engineers and operations teams. If you’re one of those team members, consider the following as you evaluate new solutions ...

August 13, 2012
Pamela Roussos

In my first two blogs I discussed how the ‘new world’ IT department is raising the profile of DevOps, and how this fundamental shift is making visibility across business risk and system metrics more important than ever before. Now I'd like to talk about how you can leverage this ‘new world’ by positioning your IT department to drive innovation at your company ...

August 08, 2012
Suvish Viswanathan

Efficient APM is all about giving insights into the inter-dependency of all devices and showing various business transactions that are taking place to realize what an end-user is experiencing ... At the end of the day, the ultimate goal is to create systems that are robust and can give real-time visibility into events and transactions ...

August 06, 2012
Denise Dubie
CA Technologies

Most IT managers are aware of application performance problems, but sometimes they realize the issue too late to prevent the business, customer or end user from feeling the pain too. That is why the latest trend is to make application management tools aware – aware of the infrastructure, aware of the resources needed and aware of how to best deliver applications to support business services ...

July 29, 2012
Stacy Gorkoff

CIOs are ultimately responsible for ensuring that IT investments are closely aligned with strategic business objectives ...

July 28, 2012
Vikas Aggarwal

There are many proposed approaches to APM. One approach is collecting performance data from the application itself while the other is collecting application data from packet data by sniffing on the network. Fetching metrics from the application process itself yields valuable data such as memory, buffers, cache and other such application data which cannot be obtained from the wire. On the other hand, performance metrics from the network itself gives a good breakdown of response times and delays from the different components of the entire service ...

July 26, 2012
Pamela Roussos

In too many of today’s companies, people are still focused on their own stack of information and data, without the benefit of seeing how they all impact each other ... If companies were to move away from the silo approach, they would see that the collection, aggregation and correlation of application, server, log file and process data, along with key business metrics and performance data, would give everyone the same powerful view of the business ...

July 24, 2012
Charley Rich
Nastel Technologies

During a recent family to trip to Orlando, it made me realize how lucky the crew of the Enterprise was to travel at warp speed and the use of transporters to get around, getting from point A to point B in almost no time. Compared to banking just a decade ago, the current trends in low level latency middleware environments has the same objectives ...

July 23, 2012
Belinda Yung-Rubke

For the public cloud service provider that is anticipating the demand from enterprises to prove performance of application delivery with Service Level Agreements, it's important to consider the following when leveraging a performance management solution ...

July 17, 2012
Stacy Gorkoff

Application Operations is an emerging technology management team that was formed to address a whole new set of performance management issues being driven by virtualization and the Cloud, increasing application diversity, and the agile development of custom applications ...

July 10, 2012
Pamela Roussos

Businesses today are so dependent on applications that DevOps is now highly visible as it sits at the nexus between customers and business. Heavy burden? You bet, but also a tremendous opportunity to elevate the DevOps role and the entire IT department within the business ...

July 06, 2012
Stacy Gorkoff

Asking if the Database Manager (DBM) owns end-to-end transaction performance is obviously suspect. Who would possibly think that? No one is likely to hold the DBM accountable for the customer experience - at least not at first. But the DBM does play a critical role in the overall application performance management picture ...
