Vendor Forum

October 19, 2015
Sven Hammar

The holiday shopping rush is soon upon us and the only thing we can be certain of is that online shopping of gifts will continue to increase. But also that many e-customers will be disappointed with their online shopping experiences. Response time is money. With this in mind, here are my top ten tips for e-commerce success this holiday season ...

October 16, 2015
Aaron Kelly

The influx of wearable technology in the workplace is causing security, support and bandwidth issues, according to Ipswitch’s 2015 Wearable Technology Survey. The survey revealed that issues emerging from wearable devices connecting to company networks are creating concerns for IT teams ...

October 15, 2015
Priyanka Tiwari
SmartBear Software

Because good things come to those who refuse to wait! Your customers don’t want to wait as your website takes more than a blink of an eye to load. They won’t forgive you for slower websites or ill-functional apps ...

October 13, 2015
Matthew Dubie
CA Technologies

Let's go back in time. Think of when your applications used to run from a single server and when the monolithic enterprise management software approach was more than enough to effectively monitor them. I know those days may have been just 10 years ago, but given the fast pace of the tech industry, those are officially our dark ages. Now, let's fast-forward to the present application economy in which your customers are demanding higher quality applications faster than ever before. To meet these new expectations, the infrastructure of the application has evolved; inevitably becoming more sophisticated and ultimately more complex ...

October 09, 2015
Anand Akela

It probably seems obvious to you that Application Performance Management (APM) is important, but you will likely need to answer the question of APM importance to someone like your boss or the company CFO that wants to know why she must pay for it. In order to qualify the importance of APM, let's consider the alternatives to adopting an APM solution and assess the impact in terms of resolution effort and elapsed downtime ...

October 08, 2015
Jackie Kahle
CA Technologies

A new global survey reveals the top traits of companies who are disrupting their competitors and transforming into successful software-driven, digital businesses. Here's what you can learn from them ...

October 06, 2015
Priyanka Tiwari
SmartBear Software

eCommerce is relevant across all industries and it's growing at an exponential rate. Everyone who provides eCommerce understands the significance of website or mobile application performance and how it directly hits the bottom line. And those who are new to eCommerce have started realizing the monetary consequences of page loads and bounce rates. Poor eCommerce performance directly hits your bottom line. No matter what industry you are in, you should be monitoring your websites, web applications and mobile applications to ensure that your customers and end users can do what they wish to do ...

October 01, 2015
Krishnan Badrinarayanan
Riverbed Technology

Every year, the number of consumers who shop online rises, and that traffic increase invariably leads to crashing web sites, unhappy customers and lost sales. Application performance directly impacts business performance. Providing high-performing applications 24/7 is critical, but that is easier said than done with complex applications that must work in environments spanning the cloud, middleware, third-party services and diverse networks. Effectively managing application performance requires broad and deep visibility across all of this, and your preparations for the crush of the holiday shopping season should begin today ...

September 28, 2015
Kent Alstad

Is your website slow to load? Page size and complexity are two of the main factors you need to consider. Looking back at the trends over the last five years, the average site has ballooned from just over 700KB to 2,135KB. That’s over a 200% increase in five years! The number of requests have grown as well, from around 70 to about 100 ...

September 24, 2015
Jeff Loeb

IT pros really felt the heat this summer as they kept networks buzzing along for remote workers having fun in the sun, according to Ipswitch's inaugural Summertime Blues Survey ...

September 22, 2015
Dennis Rietvink

Organizations have many ways of ensuring that their systems are functioning properly. One of the most important things to measure, when assessing the performance of a system, is the end user experience ...

September 21, 2015
Peter Kacandes

Trump’s website performance before, during, and after the second Republican presidential debates on CNN continued to solidly outpace his opponents with sub-five second response times on both mobile and desktop ...

September 17, 2015
Anand Akela

Companies today waste too much time on fragmented tool functionality. The infographic below, based on an Enterprise Management Associates (EMA) study, shows the current state of monitoring tool use ...

September 16, 2015
Tony Rems

Testing has often been the low priority on the totem pole in the world of software development. That's not because it isn't important and there isn't value placed on it, but rather because it is difficult, the tools and platforms available are time-consuming to implement and it is the area that most often gets the compressed end of the schedule. Talk to large enterprises and see how many of them have outsourced much of their QA to the lowest cost offshore firm they can find ...

September 15, 2015
Karen Tegan Padir
Progress Software

Developers need the right tools and processes to move forward with their mobile app development efforts, as indicated by the latest Telerik State of Mobile Development survey. The most poignant finding of the survey is that 57% of developers have never built a mobile app, indicating that mobile app development remains highly specialized ...

September 14, 2015
Kent Alstad

As the 2015 holiday shopping season rapidly approaches, only a few retailers – 12% of the top 100 ecommerce sites – are currently meeting customer expectations for both content and page speed, according to Radware's latest web performance report, State of the Union: Ecommerce Page Speed & Web Performance Summer 2015. It is even more surprising that 14% of top retailers take more than 10 seconds just to become functional, an increase from 9% in February 2015 ...

September 10, 2015
John Reister
Vasona Networks

The importance of mobile Internet performance for smartphone owners is increasing, with expectations at an all-time high, according to Vasona Network’s annual survey of smartphone owners ...

September 09, 2015
Brian Morin
Condusiv Technologies

When organizations virtualize, they typically overrun the I/O capabilities of the underlying storage infrastructure and aren't able to scale the virtual infrastructure as far as they would like. Instead of asking "why" and getting to the root of the problem of performance bottlenecks, they typically run blindly into an expensive rip-and-replace of the SAN architecture to create more I/O overhead and try to "flash" their way out of performance issues. More recently, administrators have begun to discover you can't "flash" your way out of virtual machine (VM) performance issues without overspending on hardware if you ignore the two big I/O taxes in a virtual environment that inflates IOPS requirements and steals bandwidth from server to storage ...

September 08, 2015
Erik Giesa

Organizations are thinking more strategically about big data analysis for IT (ITOA), with 65 percent already combining data sources or planning to do so within the next year, according to a survey of nearly 100 CTOs and other IT decision makers at Fortune-1000 organizations by TechValidate for ExtraHop ...

September 04, 2015
Patrick Hubbard

Most end users (63 percent) agree that IT has a greater impact on their daily work lives than the C-suite, according to SolarWinds’ IT Pro Value Surveys ...
