Vendor Forum

March 05, 2015
Dan Kirtley
Centrix Software

Cloud-based apps are a reality in the enterprise, with nearly 90 per cent of today’s organizations using them, according to cloud-based application usage research commissioned by Centrix Software ...

March 04, 2015
Jonah Kowall

As businesses continue to transform to digital and become software-defined by nature, the need to iterate on software releases more rapidly has driven organizations to build specialized, faster-moving teams in order to adjust the business model and execution quickly. DevOps is the resultant philosophy that brings together developers and operations teams organizationally, culturally and technically. BizDevOps is the extension of DevOps into the business ...

March 03, 2015
Kim Weins

Enterprises are increasingly implementing a hybrid cloud strategy that encompasses public and private clouds as well as existing virtualized environments, according to the 2015 State of the Cloud Survey conducted by RightScale ...

February 24, 2015
Jim Cerna
Sauce Labs

A shift to continuous integration (CI) and other agile methodologies is driving a massive change in the way that development and testing professionals approach testing, according to an independent, global developer survey titled Web and Mobile Testing Trends ...

February 20, 2015
Tom Fisher
Micro Focus

Performance testing is imperative for applications to perform as expected in the real world. In particular, business-critical applications need thorough testing to ensure they can bear the stresses and strains of varying demands.

February 18, 2015
Bruce Kosbab
Fluke Networks

For a successful application rollout, it is vital to assess the user experience appropriately and have an understanding of how the new app impacts your already deployed apps and infrastructure. This requires a great deal of preparation across various IT functions, from network to application teams. To put your team on the path to a successful rollout, take the time to consider the following points before the wide-scale launch ...

February 17, 2015
Aruna Ravichandran
CA Technologies

With agile and lean influencing our thinking, it’s perhaps no surprise that the impetus behind DevOps has come from development. That’s great for the speed side of the equation, but success requires that IT operations also modify their practices. This means ensuring that Application Performance Management (APM) tools and processes are not only supporting the resilience and service goals of production systems, but that they exhibit the functionality needed to help improve customer experience – even as applications are developed, tested, released and deployed. APM can accelerate the benefits of DevOps, but where do you start and what tools do you use? The tech landscape is littered with many products and services all claiming to be the secret sauce that’s going to support a DevOps-like culture. But don’t be fooled, modern APM can only accelerate DevOps when it exhibits four fundamental characteristics. Quite simply it has to be "EPIC" ...

February 16, 2015
Scott Hollis

Ensuring application performance is a never ending task that involves multiple products, features and best practices. There is no one process, feature, or product that does everything. A good place to start is pre-production and production monitoring with both an APM tool and a Unified Monitoring tool ...

February 09, 2015
Aruna Ravichandran
CA Technologies

As with anything new (or relatively new) as is the case with DevOps, enterprises are clamoring to embrace it. Why not you might say? With surveys showing impressive results and business sounding benefits, analysts giving it their blessing, and vendors touting their wares, this newest best practice is at the top of the new year’s enterprise shopping list – the top “must do” item on the 2015 list of must do’s. But like shoppers who dive feet first into a holiday or clearance sale looking for a great deal, enterprises should think carefully about what they’re actually investing in. Sure, DevOps is a great way to accelerate all the benefits from digital transformation, but there are also many pitfalls, hurdles and gotchas that could quickly turn your DevOps business “bargain” into yet another IT white elephant. Here are just a few to chew over as you look to take the wrapping off and open up the DevOps gift to your enterprise ...

February 05, 2015
Mehdi Daoudi

Of all the ways that web performance has come out of the shadows and into mainstream public consciousness, there is no more prevalent example than the fiasco of 2013. The Affordable Care Act’s primary means of providing universal health care to the American public encountered problems from the very moment that it was launched on October 1, and quickly drew all the worst kind of attention. In the face of massive public outcry, the site underwent a huge optimization process to fix the myriad of problems plaguing it, ultimately resulting in much better load times for the remainder of its inaugural sign-up period. As such, when it came time in late 2014 for the 2015 enrollment period to begin, the expectation was that, with a full year to apply optimization techniques, the Department of Health & Human Services would be able to get running with strong performance ...

February 02, 2015
Tim Zonca
Puppet Labs

Market demand for DevOps skills is growing, and DevOps engineers are among the highest paid IT practitioners today, according to the DevOps Salary Report ...

January 29, 2015
Aaron Kelly

The Super Bowl may be the sports highlight of the year in the United States – an unofficial holiday of sorts – but it’s also big business for the advertising world. The average advertisement cost for the 2015 game is expected to be approximately $4 million per 30 second slot with more than 50 commercials set to air. While the game is the headline event, there is considerable attention paid to the advertisements that will run throughout. So what does this have to do with system administrators or your corporate network? A great deal more than you might think ...

January 28, 2015
Vic Nyman
BlueStripe Software

In APMdigest’s recent article on predictions for 2015, I gave my insight on the year: "2015 will mark a significant shift in the way that APM tools are used by IT Operations teams." I wanted to elaborate on why this shift will accelerate in 2015 ...

January 26, 2015
Srinivas Ramanathan
eG Innovations

eG Innovations released key predictions for the Application Performance Management industry in 2015 ...

January 23, 2015
Bruce Kosbab
Fluke Networks

Historically the network has been considered as a separate, well-defined entity, making it relatively straightforward to write tools to understand and analyze its performance. These fall into two categories: Network Management Systems (NMS) and packet capture and analysis tools ...

January 22, 2015
Antonio Piraino

There has been a significant increase in the number or companies leveraging hybrid IT— or the ability to burst to the public cloud to meet fluctuating computing and business requirements, according to ScienceLogic's Hybrid IT survey results from IT departments at more than 1,200 global organizations ...

January 19, 2015
Payal Chakravarty

More than 70 percent of companies recognize that IT infrastructure plays an important role in enabling competitive advantage or optimizing revenue and profit. However, despite this recognition, only 22 percent have a well-defined enterprise IT infrastructure strategy, according to an IBM Institute for Business Value report, Continuing the IT Infrastructure Conversation: Why Building a Strong Foundation Requires More Than Technology.

January 15, 2015
Sergio Galindo
GFI Software

Employers of more than one-third of those surveyed (38.6 percent) had suffered a major IT disruption caused by staff visiting questionable and other non-work related web sites with work-issued hardware, resulting in malware infection and other related issues, according to a survey conducted by GFI Software ...

January 13, 2015
Steven Wastie

Nearly half of IT leadership and operations personnel identify improving operational efficiency as their number one near-term internal priority, and nearly one-third say big data analytics is their top deliverable goal, according to a survey by AppDynamics ...

January 09, 2015
Srinivas Ramanathan
eG Innovations

eG Innovations released the results of the first global survey - of more than 600 Citrix professionals - that explores the current state of Citrix performance management ...
