Vendor Forum

August 11, 2022
Mike Marks

IT teams feel overwhelmed by too many tools that do not provide a unified view of the entire IT infrastructure, according to The Shift to Unified Observability: Reasons, Requirements, and Returns, a new independent survey conducted by IDC in collaboration with Riverbed ...

August 10, 2022
Jay Botelho

Legacy systems require a great deal of a prior knowledge, and then significant configuration, for anomaly detection to work effectively. ML and AI are beginning to change that, but it's important to really validate the claims of any NPM solution ...

August 09, 2022
Jay Botelho

Successful insight into the performance of a company's networks starts with effective network performance management (NPM) tools. However, with the plethora of options it can be overwhelming for IT teams to choose the right one. Here are 10 essential questions to ask before selecting an NPM tool ...

August 08, 2022
Arthur Lozinski

Hybrid and remote work environments have been growing significantly in the past few years. As individuals move away from traditional office settings in today's new remote and hybrid environments, many operational issues such as poor visibility into asset status and refreshes, unaccounted assets, and overspending on software are becoming a bigger challenge for IT departments ...

August 04, 2022
Mark Zembal
CloudBolt Software

The data is in: enterprises are not happy with their managed service providers (MSPs) and cloud service providers (CSPs). According to the latest CloudBolt Industry Insights report, Filling the Gap: Service Providers' Increasingly Important Role in Multi-Cloud Success, 80% are so unsatisfied with their existing MSP and/or CSP, they are actively looking to replace them within 12 months ...

August 03, 2022
Anthony Abdulla

The last two years have accelerated massive changes in how we work, do business, and engage with customers. According to Pega research, nearly three out of four employees (71%) feel their job complexity continues to rise as customer demands increase, and employees at all levels feel overloaded with information, systems, and processes that make it difficult to adapt to these new challenges and meet their customers' growing needs ...

August 02, 2022
Rex McMillan

Investing in employees will always be smart business. And right now, investing in employees means giving people the resources — and ability — to optimize performance ... For pretty much every company, that means delivering the digital tools necessary to facilitate seamless, secure, user-friendly access and connectivity ...

August 01, 2022
Richard Whitehead

Digital transformation can be the difference between becoming the next Netflix and becoming the next Blockbuster Video. With corporate survival on the line, "digital transformation" is no longer merely an impressive buzzword to throw around in boardrooms. It's the ticket for entry into the digital era, a fundamental business strategy for every modern company ...

July 28, 2022
Gregg Ostrowski

At Cisco AppDynamics, we recently conducted research exploring consumer attitudes and behaviors in relation to wearable technology ... In our study, 87% of global consumers claimed that trust is a critical factor when choosing a wearable medical device or application brand. And, 86% expect companies offering wearable technology and applications to demonstrate a higher standard of protection for their personal data than any other technology they use ...

July 27, 2022
Rob Mason

You've been here before: waiting for a web page to load. You keep refreshing it, but still no luck. How many times will you try to reload the page before visiting a different site? Probably not too many. Brands today have just a few moments at most to captivate and delight potential customers ...

July 26, 2022
James Mountifield

In the DevOps world, observability is trumpeted and lauded in many corners. However, in reading much of the coverage, there seemed to be some more fundamental issues at play. It's time to demystify the idea of observability, shedding light on what it means in a broader context. And once we break down the concept and its true value to an organization, let's answer a more important question: Are we approaching an observability tipping point? ...

July 20, 2022
Emily Arnott

In the last two years, site reliability engineering, more popularly known as SRE, has progressed and matured as both an engineering practice and function. There have been significant changes — not only in terms of tool usage, but also people process changes that begin with a culture or mind-set shift. Cloud-native, microservices-driven architecture has both complicated the discipline, yet enabled us to live an all-digital existence with continuous updates and new capabilities ...

July 19, 2022
Asanka Abeysinghe

When the world changes, enterprises must change too. Today's IT teams are rethinking technology and rewriting the rules for driving digital innovation, managing team culture, and most importantly delivering engaging digital experiences for their customers ...

July 18, 2022
Bart De Graaff

To better understand IT needs in the ever-changing workplace, ngena recently conducted a survey of over 375 IT teams. The key themes that surfaced in the findings include: the expediting of remote and hybrid work; the resulting pain points and worries brought forward by IT teams; reflections on how teams could have been better prepared, and how they plan to be ready for such changes in the future ...

July 12, 2022
Colin Fallwell
Sumo Logic

As the world's technology rapidly evolved and threats skyrocketed in the cloud, the need for security and compliance teams to come together to protect organizations and their customers has never been more important. Unfortunately, this hasn't happened yet ...

June 27, 2022
Jessica Abelson

Hybrid work adoption and the accelerated pace of digital transformation are driving an increasing need for automation and site reliability engineering (SRE) practices, according to new research. In a new survey almost half of respondents (48.2%) said automation is a way to decrease Mean Time to Resolution/Repair (MTTR) and improve service management ...

June 27, 2022
Dennis Callaghan

A new study by OpsRamp on the state of the Managed Service Providers (MSP) market concludes that MSPs face a market of bountiful opportunities but must prepare for this growth by embracing complex technologies like hybrid cloud management, root cause analysis and automation ...

June 23, 2022
Mehdi Daoudi

Digital businesses don't invest in monitoring for monitoring's sake. They do it to make the business run better. Every dollar spent on observability — every hour your team spends using monitoring tools or responding to what they reveal — should tie back directly to business outcomes: conversions, revenues, brand equity. If they don't? You might be missing the forest for the trees ...

June 22, 2022
James Isaacs

Every day, companies are missing customer experience (CX) "red flags" because they don't have the tools to observe CX processes or metrics. Even basic errors or defects in automated customer interactions are left undetected for days, weeks or months, leading to widespread customer dissatisfaction. In fact, poor CX and digital technology investments are costing enterprises billions of dollars in lost potential revenue ...

June 21, 2022
Dotan Horovits

Organizations are moving to microservices and cloud native architectures at an increasing pace. The primary incentive for these transformation projects is typically to increase the agility and velocity of software release and product innovation. These dynamic systems, however, are far more complex to manage and monitor, and they generate far higher data volumes ...
