Vendor Forum

November 20, 2013
Mehdi Daoudi

The headlines are filled with news of retail website failures and crashes – most recently with the launch of Obamacare and the continuing crashes due to high visitor load. Some of this attention is due to the media's insatiable appetite for bad news, some of it is fueled by massive user dissatisfaction, but for the most part; websites are just simply failing more. Quite often, sites go down because organizations are not sufficiently prepared to manage the risks that exist because of the complexity that surrounds their sites ...

November 15, 2013
Patrick Carey

Every day, compelling new applications, built to support the needs of enterprises, are turning up in the cloud. While the reward is great, because these apps are mission-critical and deployed to your entire workforce, so is the risk. If your cloud-based CRM system is unavailable, the sales team is certainly impacted, but if email, IP and/or VoIP communications are unavailable, the entire organization takes a productivity hit. To address this risk, IT must take a fresh look at how they monitor and manage these services ...

November 14, 2013
Ivar Sagemo
AIMS Innovation

Technology has improved by leaps and bounds, but our ability to leverage it to our best business effect isn't nearly as well optimized. Too often, IT has become its own little world, all but divorced from the business side and unable to take into account business goals and strategies in the way services are managed ...

November 12, 2013
Charley Rich
Nastel Technologies

For many years the focus of APM was on making the application server run better. And from that perspective, it was successful. However, while the application server became more reliable and ran faster, the two key features IT Operations management desire: getting alerted to problems before the end user is affected and being pointed in the right direction have not improved much ...

November 07, 2013
Vinod Mohan
eG Innovations

Virtualization is putting application performance to the fore. The following covers some important use cases of application performance in a virtualized environment, and what you need to monitor to avoid performance issues and application downtime ...

November 05, 2013
Jim Swepson

Availability has become, over the past decade, an intrinsic requirement in all application performance whether it is internal or external applications. We don’t think about it quite so much, but what is becoming increasingly essential is speed ...

October 24, 2013
Belinda Yung-Rubke

As Toxic War Rooms — a recent research paper from Seattle Pacific University — points out, War Rooms may not work as well as advertised, if at all. So what's the alternative? Is it even possible to build teams that can work together effectively to solve problems in highly charged, ever changing environments? According to the research, the answer is yes ...

October 23, 2013
Belinda Yung-Rubke

In recent years, the War Room model has become a popular approach to large group problem solving in IT as well as other organizational settings. Unfortunately, War Rooms may not work as well as advertised, if at all. As Toxic War Rooms — a recent research paper from Seattle Pacific University — points out, there are four common pathologies that call into question the effectiveness of the War Room approach ...

October 17, 2013
Sridhar Iyengar

In the IT department, the rise of the Oracle-powered business is putting the pressure on IT admins and managers charged with supporting an exploding number of business-critical applications. So, what does it take to optimize an Oracle installation? Here are three keys to maximizing your Oracle application performance ...

October 16, 2013
Ivar Sagemo
AIMS Innovation

The challenging reality for most IT departments is that new software for integrating processes and thus improving productivity can turn out to be the source of additional IT headaches. This is at odds with what should be an organizational priority: making the IT department's life easier. Such an approach is wise not just to keep critical computing systems purring but to avoid disgruntlement and costly turnover within this important corporate group ...

October 03, 2013
Jim Swepson

Speaking with delegates at a Cloud World Conference, I discovered that many are still taking a chance with their mission-critical applications. There seems to be a belief that in order to discover how their apps will work in a real world network, like a WAN or Cloud network, their only option is to conduct tests using the live network. I was kinda surprised! I mean when do they do this?

September 30, 2013
Jason Meserve
CA Technologies

Breaking down IT silos. While the premise is good, it’s not always easy to break out of individual silos to work as a cohesive team. One place to start that can pay immediate dividends is having the application performance management and capacity management teams work together. How can you benefit from the marriage of APM and capacity planning? Five ways ...

September 17, 2013
Trevor Orsztynowicz

APM measures and analyzes performance and patterns at different layers. Whether you're using server APM to monitor the behavior of virtual or physical infrastructure, or NPM to monitor your network transactions, the goal is usually to identify how performance issues affect real users ...

September 11, 2013
Eran Kinsbruner

An integrated and iterative mobile application testing cycle should include the following key components ...

September 04, 2013
Jeannie Liou

The following is a roadmap to help IT leaders successfully design, deploy, and analyze their apps to create a sound mobile strategy ...

August 30, 2013
Mike Thompson

With the software defined data center transition an imminent reality, the following five management challenges should be on every IT pro’s radar in preparation ...

August 27, 2013
Dave Berg
Shunra Software

The goal of every software developer and tester is to produce applications that meet user expectations and achieve business objectives. Standing in their way is the need to understand and predict the production environment and how real-world end users will experience the application ...

August 22, 2013
Sridhar Iyengar

Today's Business is heavily dependent on IT systems to perform at the best. If IT is able to proactively detect performance degradation and rectify it before it severely impacts the business, that could not only save loss of revenue and also credibility for the business with its customers ...

August 20, 2013
Alexander Podelko

Gartner’s five dimensions of APM did, I guess, a good job of structuring the market (at least in what concerns "Monitoring" – it doesn’t look like we get to "Management" yet). But some statements coming from Gartner somewhat trouble me ...

August 19, 2013
Petri Maanonen

One of the main benefits from implementing a holistic APM solution is, that every stakeholder in delivering the end user experience, will have the same perspective and information to base their decisions and actions on, which ensures business continuity ...
