Vendor Forum

October 24, 2017
Sven Hammar

On average, 83 percent of consumers in all markets are affected negatively by poor website or app performance. These alarming statistics are often born out of great web functionality expectations gone wrong. With APIs driving much of the new functionality on today's e-commerce driven sites, thorough testing has become more important than ever before ...

October 23, 2017
Sven Hammar

Internet users are growing more demanding and less forgiving, according to the results of a consumer survey from Apica. In a clear call to action for organizations around the world, Apica’s survey found that three quarters of respondents expect websites and apps to perform faster than they did three years ago ...

October 20, 2017
Clayton Dukes

You've heard of DevOps and SecOps, but NetOps? NetOps is a natural progression of legacy Network Operations to foster more efficient and resilient infrastructures through automation and intelligence. The efficacy of NetOps personnel is reliant upon understanding five key elements of a NetOps Platform and how to best utilize and implement each ...

October 06, 2017
Milind Bhise
Riverbed Technology

In the Riverbed Future of Networking Global Survey, more than half of the respondents acknowledged that achieving operational agility is critical to the success of a modern enterprise, and next-generation networks as well as the technology to support them are key to reaching this goal ...

October 05, 2017
Milind Bhise
Riverbed Technology

Legacy infrastructures are holding back their cloud and digital strategies, according to the Riverbed Future of Networking Global Survey 2017. Nearly all survey respondents agree that legacy network infrastructure will have difficulty keeping pace with the changing demands of the cloud and hybrid networks ...

September 26, 2017
Keith Bromley

Rapid 5G adoption is spreading across the globe, with 96 percent of large technology companies planning to leverage 5G and 83 percent planning to have 5G solutions deployed within the next 24 months, according to a new survey commissioned by Ixia ...

September 25, 2017
Andrew Marshall

Code working perfectly doesn't matter much if apps aren't reaching customers, or are negatively impacted by network latency or outages. All the customer cares about is how they are enjoying an app. To effectively guarantee application availability and usage satisfaction, DevOps teams need to leverage three important application assurance data sets into their delivery automation logic ...

September 22, 2017
Sridhar Iyengar

UK businesses have attained high levels of business-IT alignment in of all sizes, with IT pros demonstrating strong business understanding and business pros exhibiting strong IT knowledge to increase business performance, according to a new survey by ManageEngine ...

September 12, 2017
Jeff Kalberg
IGEL Technology

One area that enables enterprises to reduce complexity and streamline operations is their virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI). Virtualization is a linchpin of digital transformation and effectively optimizing an enterprise's VDI is essential to moving forward with digital technologies. Delivering the best possible VDI performance means taking a fresh look at what "desktop" means today. The endpoint, or desktop, now can be a physical thin client, a software-defined thin client, a traditional laptop, a phone or tablet. To reduce operational waste and achieve better performance across the desktop environment, consider these five actions ...

September 11, 2017
Nancy Van Elsacker Louisnord

In incident management, we often overlook the simple things in favor of trying to do too much, too soon. Why not make sure we've done the fundamentals properly? ...

September 07, 2017
Brian Morin
Condusiv Technologies

The Input/Output Operations per Second (I/O) capabilities of modern computer systems are truly a modern wonder. Yet no matter how powerful the processors, no matter how many cores, how perfectly formed the bus architecture, or how many flash modules are added, somehow it never seems to be enough ...

September 06, 2017
Mike Marks

By taking advantage of performance monitoring, IT and business decision makers can gain better visibility into their cloud and application performance. Dedicated performance monitoring has become essential for providing visibility into all areas of application performance and keeping the business running optimally ...

August 30, 2017
Asaf Zamir

Asia-Pacific is at the forefront of the cloud revolution. Yet while developed APAC countries, such as Hong Kong and Singapore, are leading the way in cloud adoption, emerging markets in the region are trailing behind. The decentralized cloud – or the "Crowd Cloud" – will bring these markets into the 21st century by making the cloud accessible to all ...

August 28, 2017
Leon Adato

When it comes to Digital Experience Monitoring (DEM) — a strategy that can significantly improve visibility into and performance of systems affecting digital experiences, and quell issues that negatively affect customer experience and businesses overall — a majority of businesses are behind the curve ...

August 22, 2017
Sydney Sloan

Once a catch-all buzzword, "digital transformation" is now an impossible-to-ignore strategic underpinning of leading businesses. In fact, APMdigest made digital transformation a "hot topic" for 2017, recognizing that its importance will continue to grow as more and more organizations embrace it ...

August 21, 2017
Holly Simmons

Recognizing that the old way of handling customer service interactions is no longer enough, many forward-thinking businesses are turning to digital technologies that connect people, systems, and workflows across the entire organization. Considering that nearly half of US consumers have switched service providers in the past year due to poor service, businesses would be wise to take a closer look at what's driving the changes in customer service and what they can do to keep up ...

August 14, 2017
Leon Adato

The SolarWinds IT Trends Report 2017: Portrait of a Hybrid IT Organization revealed a lack of trust in the hybrid IT era between IT professionals and their cloud services providers (CSP). In fact, the survey found that the majority of IT professionals (62 percent) only somewhat trust their CSPs ...

August 10, 2017
Mehdi Daoudi

As user performance demands have skyrocketed in recent years, organizations have expanded their infrastructures. The volume of performance monitoring information and alerts creates a confusing cacophony, like being at a party and trying to listen to ten conversations at once. This kind of environment could be prime for alert fatigue – issues being raised but ignored due to burnout. This is complete insanity in the 21st century. A new approach to managing IT alerts and issues raised through performance monitoring is needed ...

August 09, 2017
Chris Bloom

With today's distributed application architectures becoming more common, a technique called multi-segment analysis, can greatly help IT professionals pinpoint the location and cause of latency or other application performance issues ...

August 07, 2017
Eric Sigler

More than three quarters of Australian consumers will leave a digital (website or mobile) app or service in one minute or less if it is unresponsive or slow, according to a new survey from PagerDuty ...
