Vendor Forum

October 07, 2020
Brian Lavallée

Gaming introduced the world to a whole new range of experiences through augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR). And consumers are really catching on. To unlock the potential of these platforms, enterprises must ensure massive amounts of data can be transferred quickly and reliably to ensure an acceptable quality of experience. As such, this means that enterprises will need to turn to a 5G infrastructure powered by an adaptive network ...

October 06, 2020
Rex McMillan

A distributed, remote workforce is the new business reality. How can businesses keep operations going smoothly and quickly resolve issues when IT staff is in San Jose, employee A is working remotely in Denver at their home and employee B is a salesperson still doing some road traveling? The key is an IT architecture that promotes and supports "self-healing" at the endpoint to take care of issues before they impact employees. The essential element to achieve this is hyper-automation ...

October 01, 2020
Dennis Damen
Login VSI

The cloud has recently proven to be a vital tool for many organizations to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic by enabling employees to work from home. To me, COVID-19 has clearly shown that work doesn't need to happen at the office. It has strengthened our belief that working from home is going to be the norm for many. The move to the cloud introduces many technical challenges ...

September 24, 2020
Will Cappelli

Enterprise ITOM and ITSM teams have been welcoming of AIOps, believing that it has the potential to deliver great value to them as their IT environments become more distributed, hybrid and complex. Not so with DevOps teams. It's safe to say they've kept AIOps at arm's length, because they don't think it's relevant nor useful for what they do. Instead, to manage the software code they develop and deploy, they've focused on observability ...

September 22, 2020
Jay Botelho

All application traffic travels across the network. While application performance management tools can offer insight into how critical applications are functioning, they do not provide visibility into the broader network environment. In order to optimize application performance, you need a few key capabilities. Let's explore three steps that can help NetOps teams better support the critical applications upon which your business depends ...

September 16, 2020
Lorna Crawford
Login VSI

When you consider that the average end-user interacts with at least 8 applications, then think about how important those applications are in the overall success of the business and how often the interface between the application and the hardware needs to be updated, it's a potential minefield for business operations. Any single update could explode in your face at any time ...

September 09, 2020
Mark Banfield

In 2020, our society is undergoing massive upheaval and businesses are being forced to adapt on the fly. During this period of crisis, the companies that make the necessary adjustments the quickest will succeed. We're already seeing it happen in the accelerated push toward digitization, as companies that smoothly digitize their customer experiences move forward and those that don't get left behind ...

August 27, 2020
Michael Procopio
Micro Focus

With the adjustment to the new normal of remote work, IT Operations teams are struggling for a variety of reasons. One of the biggest problems is disrupted communications patterns. Organizations now face a lack of tools that can funnel information one place leaving an operator to view multiple IT operations tools on different systems. To deal with this situation, businesses should start by virtualizing your Network Operations Center (NOC). Here are five tools that can help ..

August 26, 2020
Mike Fuhrman

No matter what year it is, businesses cannot afford, financially or operationally, to be hit by a data breach or system loss. This is an ongoing concern, but in the age of COVID-19, that risk multiplies several fold due to remote data access. Any downtime as companies work to recover lost information could have major consequences ...

August 25, 2020
Mike Marks

During the past three months of the COVID-19 pandemic, the business world has grappled with the question of whether to or when to reopen offices. Numerous companies have publicly announced permanent remote work options or signaled a move to hybrid work models, but most have yet to determine their plans. While the decision-making fundamentally rests on how well countries and states manage the virus, CEOs also need to consider the long-term impact on employee productivity ...

August 18, 2020
Paul Davenport

The mass rush to work-from-home (WFH) that took place back in the spring was a shock to the system for many enterprise networks. But with summer closing out and the prospects of a near-term return to office-centric workflows looking increasingly slim, enterprise IT teams that haven't gotten comfortable with their "new normal" need to start making changes fast ...

August 12, 2020
Scott Leatherman

The outsourcing of IT infrastructure to a dedicated provider can make it difficult for organizations to understand where and how their operations are running and can become a breeding ground for misunderstanding and myths. To help clear up some of these myths, I've put together a guide to support organizations in the decision-making process and help them understand whether moving to the cloud is the right option for their business ...

August 05, 2020
Nadeem Zahid
cPacket Networks

Application or network downtime is expensive, and given the growing numbers and types of high-availability and mission-critical applications, systems and networks — and our increasing reliance on them — ensuring consistent access to mission-critical applications is essential for ensuring customer loyalty and keeping employees productive. Businesses must recognize that applications availability depends on the network and implement a strategy to ensure network-aware application performance monitoring ...

July 30, 2020
Mehdi Daoudi

One of the most frustrating experiences for website visitors is a slow, unresponsive website. Worst-case scenario, a web bounce causes prospects to permanently bounce from your company. In an effort to help companies improve web performance, Google launched the Web Vitals initiative in May and announced three new search engine ranking factors ...

July 27, 2020
Brian Trzupek

Many remote employees must access a corporate private network from home to continue business as usual. Organizations are turning to virtual private networks (VPN) as never before to keep remote workers connected to critical information and tools. To protect sensitive data and network bandwidth, however, companies must secure and control that network access such as by incorporating digital certificates into their cybersecurity strategy. Follow these five VPN best practices for secure remote worker access ...

July 23, 2020
Sergio Bea

The role of the IT department was once manageable — straightforward tasks such as computer desktop support, installing and configuring hardware and software, and monitoring and maintaining systems and servers were commonplace. But as a result of digital transformation and the adoption of new and emerging technologies, IT teams are now responsible for driving business strategy and cost savings. With all of the new responsibilities, it's not surprising that we've seen new disciplines emerge, such as NetOps, DevOps, SecOps and DevSecOps ...

July 21, 2020
Tobias Dunn-Krahn

One byproduct of COVID-19-imposed stay-at-home mandates is an unprecedented reliance on digital services for everything from grocery shopping and food delivery to video conferencing and workflow automation. And it's impacting both consumers of those digital services and the IT operations professionals responsible for delivering them ...

July 20, 2020
Dave McAllister

OpenTelemetry is a project within the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) that has gathered contributors and supporters far and wide, becoming one of the most active projects found in open source today. In fact, the collaboration that OpenTelemetry has developed is pretty amazing ...

July 15, 2020
Jason Lieblich

Digital Experience Monitoring is a tool that should be integrated with an organization's change management strategy. A key benefit of SaaS/cloud is no longer being responsible for software and hardware upgrades, maintenance, and patch cycles. Migrating to Microsoft Office 365 means no longer spending precious time and resources on Windows, Exchange or SharePoint upgrades for example. But that doesn't mean that IT can ignore changes or doesn't need to monitor for their effects ...

July 14, 2020
Jason Lieblich

As systems become more complex and IT loses direct control of infrastructure (hello cloud), it becomes both more difficult and more important to capture and observe, holistically, the user experience. SaaS or cloud apps like Salesforce, Microsoft Office 365, and Workday have become mission-critical to most businesses and therefore need to be examined when it comes to experience monitoring ...
