Vendor Forum

April 13, 2023
Ishan Mukherjee
New Relic

Logs are one of the most useful tools for observability and application performance monitoring. However, getting the most mileage from logs requires paying careful attention to planning what data to collect, the best way to display it, and the proper context for log entries ...

April 05, 2023
Howard Beader

Consumers have increasingly higher expectations about online experience. The consequences of poor experience are significant for e-commerce retailers, affecting sales, revenue, and stock price. New research conducted by Forrester Research on behalf of Catchpoint shows that one cause of poor experiences are disruptions across the "Internet stack," including routers, firewalls, ISPs, DNS, CDNs, cloud services, website payment providers, and video hosting services — is particularly costly for e-commerce retailers ...

March 27, 2023
Phil Tee

To achieve maximum availability, IT leaders must employ domain-agnostic solutions that identify and escalate issues across all telemetry points. These technologies, which we refer to as Artificial Intelligence for IT Operations, create convergence — in other words, they provide IT and DevOps teams with the full picture of event management and downtime ...

March 21, 2023
Hannes Lenke

Synthetic monitoring is crucial to deploy code with confidence as catching bugs with E2E tests on staging is becoming increasingly difficult. It isn't trivial to provide realistic staging systems, especially because today's apps are intertwined with many third-party APIs ...

March 16, 2023
Gregg Ostrowski

Managing availability and performance within SAP environments has long been a challenge for IT teams. But as IT environments grow more complex and dynamic, and the speed of innovation in almost every industry continues to accelerate, this situation is becoming a whole lot worse ...

March 14, 2023
Tim Flower

Recent research suggests that many organizations are paying for more software than they need. If organizations are looking to reduce IT spend, leaders should take a closer look at the tools being offered to employees, as not all software is essential ...

March 09, 2023
Phil Tee

An array of tools purport to maintain availability — the trick is sorting through the noise to find the right one. Let us discuss why availability is so important and then unpack the ROI of deploying Artificial Intelligence for IT Operations (AIOps) during an economic downturn ...

March 08, 2023
Rob Mason

Development teams so often find themselves rushing to get a release out on time. When it comes time for testing, the software works fine in the lab. But, when it's released, customers report a bunch of bugs. How does this happen? Why weren't the flaws found in QA? ...

March 07, 2023
Song Pang
NetBrain Technologies

At the same time, reported network outages globally continue to grow in frequency, duration and fiscal impact. And as migration to the cloud continues at a pace of nearly 5% per year, the amount of control over those cloud-based services typically decreases, which further increases operational risk and the potential for increased costs ... Why are network service disruptions still such an issue? ...

March 06, 2023
Emily Arnott

Starting with Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) can be intimidating, but the benefits are more than worth it. Let's go over what it is and all the benefits it can bring to your organization ...

March 02, 2023
Jon Levenson

This year, the survey behind the State of IT Operations Report dug into IT teams' most challenging efficiency hurdles and limitations. The results showcase significant discoveries about how automation is increasing IT agility, reducing costs, and enhancing IT operations teams' endpoint management capabilities in the modern workplace ...

March 01, 2023
Guillaume Moigneu

While there is no denying the surge of traffic that the holiday shopping peak — especially Black Friday — generates for retailers, some shopper behavior patterns may be worth noting for other major spikes in online shopping throughout the year ... The challenge for brands lies in creating a web strategy that can scale website performance and manage the surges and spikes throughout the year appropriately ...

February 28, 2023
Ritu Dubey

During economic uncertainty, enterprises want improved business uptime, productivity gains, and revenue assurance ... It is vital to have a resilient IT and business infrastructure in place. However, with pressure on cost control, reducing and optimizing budgets, companies can't simply hire more support staff, so other optimization avenues need to be explored ...

February 21, 2023
Venkat Pillay

Digital transformation is challenging, especially for finance, manufacturing, and oil and gas businesses. These companies face the daunting task of modernizing legacy IT systems and applications, which often consume a significant portion, sometimes up to 40%, of their IT budget while keeping up with the demands of a fast-paced, digital-first world. One study estimated that just 30% of initiatives achieve their transformation targets, implying works needs to be done to understand and overcome the inclusion of legacy applications in digital transformation initiatives ...

February 07, 2023
Wilko Visser

Digital transformation was a universal theme in 2022. As we track changes in the enterprise architecture landscape, we observe trends that we believe will shape EA in 2023. Here are our predictions for the coming year ...

February 01, 2023
Rich Martin

In the network engineering world, many teams have yet to realize the immense benefit real-time collaboration tools can bring to a successful automation strategy. By integrating a collaboration platform into a network automation strategy — and taking advantage of being able to share responses, files, videos and even links to applications and device statuses — network teams can leverage these tools to manage, monitor and update their networks in real time, and improve the ways in which they manage their networks ...

January 31, 2023
Tim Flower

A recent study revealed only an alarming 5% of IT decision makers who report having complete visibility into employee adoption and usage of company-issued applications, demonstrating they are often unknowingly careless when it comes to software investments that can ultimately be costly in terms of time and resources ...

January 26, 2023
Anurag Gupta

As enterprises work to implement or improve their observability practices, tool sprawl is a very real phenomenon ... Tool sprawl can and does happen all across the organization. In this post, though, we'll focus specifically on how and why observability efforts often result in tool sprawl, some of the possible negative consequences of that sprawl, and we'll offer some advice on how to reduce or even avoid sprawl ...

January 25, 2023
Shannon Weyrick

As companies generate more data across their network footprints, they need network observability tools to help find meaning in that data for better decision-making and problem solving. It seems many companies believe that adding more tools leads to better and faster insights ... And yet, observability tools aren't meeting many companies' needs. In fact, adding more tools introduces new challenges ...

January 24, 2023
Rachel Dines

Driven by the need to create scalable, faster, and more agile systems, businesses are adopting cloud native approaches. But cloud native environments also come with an explosion of data and complexity that makes it harder for businesses to detect and remediate issues before everything comes to a screeching halt. Observability, if done right, can make it easier to mitigate these challenges and remediate incidents before they become major customer-impacting problems ...
