The APM Blog

May 18, 2015
Larry Haig

It is easy to feel that so called "second generation" APM tooling rules the world. And for good reason, many would argue – certainly the positive disruptive effects of support for highly distributed / Service Orientated architectures, and the requirements of many fast moving businesses to support a plethora of different technologies are a powerful dynamic. That leaves aside the undoubted advantages of comprehensive traffic screening (as opposed to "hard" sampling), ease of installation and commissioning (relative in some cases), user accessibility, flexible reporting and tighter productive association between IT and business – in short, empowering the DevOps and PerfOps revolution. So, modern APM is certainly well attuned to the requirements of current business. What's not to like? Could these technologies have an Achilles heel? ...

May 14, 2015
Pete Goldin

Three-fourths (75 percent) of CIO respondents stated their network is an issue in achieving their organization's goals, according to a new survey of CIOs worldwide from Brocade, conducted by independent research agency Vanson Bourne. For almost a quarter of CIOs polled, it is a "significant" issue ...

May 13, 2015
Gabriel Lowy

The PADS (Performance Analytics Decision Support) Framework helps companies take a more strategic approach to user experience. It's a framework that lets IT and business management understand the link between next-generation Application Performance Management (APM) and big data analytics to enable improved application governance and operational performance. Across industry sectors, companies that unify APM and user experience outperform their peer group in financial results and market valuation. These companies also use 30% fewer tools to achieve these results. The majority have consolidated onto a core platform from one vendor, with tactical deployments of other vendor solutions for specific use cases, departments or technologies. They consistently deliver stellar user experiences with greater IT productivity and lower costs than their less-performing peers ...

May 11, 2015
Jeffrey Kaplan

Last December, my APMdigest prediction for 2015 was:"The advent of the “Internet of Things” (IoT) will elevate the importance of implementing powerful, easy-to-use and cost-effective APM solutions as a rapidly expanding universe of end-points are connected by software-enabled sensors and systems." Less than halfway through the new year and we're seeing the market activity around IoT opportunities accelerate ...

May 07, 2015
Larry Dragich
Technology Executive

In the world of Application Performance Management (APM) it is always better to enlist more than one entity to help solve the mystery of performance problems. Gathering facts related to a crime is essential, and can be likened to utilizing an APM solution for solving application performance problems. The more information about an application’s behavior that you can obtain, along with understanding its idiosyncrasies within the environment, the more likely you will be able to pinpoint root causes of performance issues ...

May 05, 2015
Gabriel Lowy

Companies are rapidly adopting DevOps practices to create higher-quality software faster and more efficiently to improve customer experience, lower IT costs and enhance productivity. But the key to success for software-driven businesses is delivering value with BizDevOps ...

May 01, 2015
Dennis Drogseth

In writing CMDB Systems: Making Change Work in the Age of Cloud and Agile, we gained a lot by talking to deployments. In the spirit of our own recommendations for how to manage and optimize a CMDB-related initiative, our goal was to learn from reality more than just preach a series of best practices. What I’ve chosen to write about here are just a few highlights, following four key areas of interest: Dialog, Communication and Stakeholder Planning; Architecture; Cloud; and Agile ...

April 30, 2015
Pete Goldin

Almost three-fourths (70%) of companies forget about documenting changes, up from 57% last year, according to Netwrix Corporation's 2015 State of IT Changes Survey. Undocumented changes pose a hidden threat to business continuity and the integrity of sensitive data. The survey shows that 67% of companies suffer from service downtime due to unauthorized or incorrect changes to system configurations, while the worst offenders are again enterprises in 73% of cases ...

April 22, 2015
Pete Goldin

comScore published a new report: 2015 US Digital Future in Focus, providing a year in review of the major shifts in digital consumer behavior that occurred in various online sectors, including mobile, social media, video, advertising, search and e-commerce. In addition, the report examines what insights can be gathered from these trends and what that means looking forward to the year ahead. Here is a sample of the findings ...

April 21, 2015
Coen Meerbeek
Blue Factory Internet

Choosing the right IT management software is sometimes like looking for a needle in a haystack. There's so much to choose from, and it all seems to do the same thing and is claimed to be fantastic. But things aren't always what they seem. In a world that's changing faster than ever, virtualization and commodity hardware make it extremely difficult for your organization to choose the right tools. To point you in the right direction, I have set out 6 basic rules ...

April 17, 2015
Pete Goldin

Unscheduled downtime has a dramatic financial impact on businesses of all sizes, yet most businesses don't have adequate recovery technologies in place, according to an independent national survey of IT professionals conducted by Dimensional Research and commissioned by Axcient ...

April 15, 2015
Dennis Drogseth

Everyone presumably loves a good mystery. And in fact the questions “What is a CMDB?” and “What is its relevance in the age of (cloud) (agile) (fill-in-the-blank)?” often provoke such conflicted industry responses that they do suggest the presence of some mystery underfoot. But we didn’t set out to write a mystery novel per se. Instead, CMDB Systems: Making Change Work in the Age of Cloud and Agile is designed to serve as both a guide and a chronicle of real-world experiences — honoring the mystery by sharing different points of view, while trying to help our readers optimize their CMDB planning for what is increasingly becoming a positive and successful initiative ...

April 08, 2015
Dennis Drogseth

Cultural transformation and eliminating IT silos may sound like an impossible dream — and indeed, perhaps “eliminating” is too strong a word. But the reality is that IT organizations must change toward a more responsive, business-aligned culture, as well as toward a more service-aware (versus siloed) way of working. So how do you begin? ...

March 26, 2015
Pete Goldin

A new report by Radware shows that 9% of the top 100 leading retail web pages took ten or more seconds to become interactive, which is down considerably from 22% of sites last quarter ...

March 24, 2015
Gabriel Lowy

With the proliferation of composite applications for cloud and mobility, monitoring individual components of the application delivery chain is no longer an effective way to assure user experience. IT organizations must evolve toward a unified approach that promotes collaboration and efficiency to better align with corporate return on investment (ROI) and risk management objectives ...

March 19, 2015
Pete Goldin

While most companies believe virtualization technology is a strategic priority, there are still clear risks that need to be addressed, according to a new report by Ixia entitled The State of Virtualization for Visibility Architecture 2015 ...

March 11, 2015
Dennis Drogseth

EMA recently completed some research looking at the future of IT Service Management (ITSM). The results just came in two weeks ago, and I’d like to share a few highlights with you here ...

February 25, 2015
Pete Goldin

Cloud computing adoption is increasing globally, with the majority of respondents citing hybrid cloud as their preferred option for greater agility and security, according to a study conducted by Vanson Bourne for EMC Corporation/

February 23, 2015
Jim Frey

In my last post, I shared some key findings from an EMA research report published last fall that dove into the ways in which log analytics is being used to support network operations. Building on that, following are five recommendations that EMA is making on how best to think about log data as part of an integrated management architecture and strategy ...

February 10, 2015
Pete Goldin

A traditional approach to mobile application development for enterprises causes friction and misalignment between developers and designers, with 50 percent of respondents saying their projects fail to lock or get approved because of user interface issues, according to Bridging the Gap: Mobile App Design and Development, a survey from Kony ...
