Vendor Forum

May 22, 2018
Leon Adato

Monitoring is a critical aspect of any data center operation, yet it often remains the black sheep of an organization's IT strategy: an afterthought rather than a core competency. To help your organization increase data center efficiency and get the most benefit out of your monitoring solutions, here are the top five universal monitoring crimes and what you can do about them ...

May 18, 2018
Mehdi Daoudi

The deeper intricacies of the site reliability engineer (SRE) role are still evolving, and to gain some insights into what the role actually entails we recently conducted a survey aimed at this growing group. The role may vary from organization to organization. The commonalities we identified include the following ...

May 16, 2018
Keith Bromley

While security experts may disagree on exactly how to secure a network, one thing they all agree on is that you cannot defend against what you cannot see. In other words, network visibility IS network security. Visibility needs to be the starting the point ...

May 01, 2018
Leon Adato

If IT professionals want to be instrumental to their organization's successful digital transformation journey, they should continue prioritizing a hybrid IT environment while simultaneously developing new skillsets and leveraging emerging technologies. To help IT professionals arm themselves with a new set of skills, technologies, and resources to bridge the leadership gap and manage the intersection of hype and performance, consider the following recommendations ...

April 30, 2018
Leon Adato

In the time it takes you to read this sentence, a website will lose 53% of its visitors if the page hasn't loaded. This confirms what most of us have known for a while: IT performance is more important than ever in today's digital economy. It's crucial to an organization's bottom line, as high bounce rates can result in lost money, while improved performance can save time and money ...

April 23, 2018
Ari Weil

Balancing digital innovation with security is critical to helping businesses deliver strong digital experiences, influencing factors such maintaining a competitive edge, customer satisfaction, customer trust, and risk mitigation. But some businesses struggle to meet that balance according to new data ...

April 16, 2018
Keith Bromley

While regulatory compliance is an important activity for medium to large businesses, easy and cost-effective solutions can be difficult to find. Network visibility is an often overlooked, but critically important, activity that can help lower costs and make life easier for IT personnel that are responsible for these regulatory compliance solutions ...

April 09, 2018
Steve Francis

How do enterprises prepare for the future that our Cloud Vision 2020 survey forecasts? I see three immediate takeaways to focus on ...

April 06, 2018
Steve Francis

When will we be at a point where virtually all enterprise workloads are run in the cloud and how will that change things for IT? To find out, we commissioned our own survey, Cloud Vision 2020: The Future of the Cloud. The results were fascinating. I'll share three fundamental lessons we learned in the survey as well as some advice for going forward ...

April 04, 2018
Vaishali Gopi

If you are new to ITSM and want to know some of the important terms associated with it, here is a quick guide to help you with the basics ...

April 03, 2018
Michael Segal

Healthcare, in common with many other industries, is undergoing a significant digital transformation. As resources and purse strings become ever tighter, healthcare providers are becoming increasingly dependent on advancements in digital technology to enable them to do more with less ...

March 28, 2018
Sudhir Jha

The deluge of data created by IT infrastructures that generate data every second often takes great investments of time to make sense of. Leveraging AI or machine learning technologies in Application Performance Management (APM) simplifies the complex IT systems, automates application-environment discovery and makes for smarter decisions faster with proactive problem resolution. The benefits of AI-driven APM solutions seem obvious but raise important questions around AI technologies and its greater impact ...

March 22, 2018
Keith Bromley

In a previous blog, I talked about how to get visibility into cloud networks and resolve the first part of the problem. This included why visibility was important and how to accomplish it. Once you have that information, the next thing you need to understand is the performance of your cloud network so that you can answer important questions. This includes ...

March 20, 2018
Chris Bloom

Most organizations understand that centralized network monitoring is vital to maintaining the health of critical infrastructure and applications. And while solutions using NetFlow undoubtedly help gain perspective into capacity planning, trend analysis, and utilization, they lack the important precision of packet-based analytics tools ...

March 15, 2018
Wayne Ariola

The 2018 Software Fail Watch report from Tricentis investigated 606 failures that affected over 3.6 billion people and caused $1.7 trillion in lost revenue ...

March 13, 2018
Chris Bihary
Garland Technology

Many network operations teams question if they need to TAP their networks; perhaps they aren't familiar with test access points (TAPs), or they think there isn't an application that makes sense for them. Over the past decade, industry best-practice revealed that all network infrastructure should utilize a network TAP as the foundation for complete visibility. The following are the seven most popular applications for TAPs ...

March 07, 2018
Eric Sigler

What often goes overlooked in our always-on digital culture are the people at the other end of each of these services tasked with their 24/7 management. If something goes wrong, users are quick to complain or switch to a competitors as IT practitioners on the backend race to rectify the situation. A recent PagerDuty State of IT Work-Life Balance Report revealed that IT professionals are struggling with the pressures associated with the management of these digital offerings ...

March 06, 2018
Michael Segal

Businesses everywhere continually strive for greater efficiency. By way of illustration, more than a third of IT professionals cite "moving faster" as their top goal for 2018, and improving the efficiency of operations was one of the top three stated business objectives for organizations considering digital transformation initiatives ...

March 05, 2018
Keith Bromley

One of the current challenges for IT teams is the movement of the network to the cloud, and the lack of visibility that comes with that shift. While there has been a lot of hype around the benefits of cloud computing, very little is being said about the inherent drawbacks ...

February 26, 2018
Chris Bloom

It wasn't so long ago that enterprises housed their critical business applications within their own network of servers and client computers. Monitoring and troubleshooting performance issues like latency was far easier. So, even though our network monitoring and diagnostics tools have improved greatly, the introduction of a myriad interconnected SaaS applications and cloud hosted services have greatly complicated our typical network landscape, causing knock-on effects like latency to appear ...
