Vendor Forum

March 07, 2018
Eric Sigler

What often goes overlooked in our always-on digital culture are the people at the other end of each of these services tasked with their 24/7 management. If something goes wrong, users are quick to complain or switch to a competitors as IT practitioners on the backend race to rectify the situation. A recent PagerDuty State of IT Work-Life Balance Report revealed that IT professionals are struggling with the pressures associated with the management of these digital offerings ...

March 06, 2018
Michael Segal

Businesses everywhere continually strive for greater efficiency. By way of illustration, more than a third of IT professionals cite "moving faster" as their top goal for 2018, and improving the efficiency of operations was one of the top three stated business objectives for organizations considering digital transformation initiatives ...

March 05, 2018
Keith Bromley

One of the current challenges for IT teams is the movement of the network to the cloud, and the lack of visibility that comes with that shift. While there has been a lot of hype around the benefits of cloud computing, very little is being said about the inherent drawbacks ...

February 26, 2018
Chris Bloom

It wasn't so long ago that enterprises housed their critical business applications within their own network of servers and client computers. Monitoring and troubleshooting performance issues like latency was far easier. So, even though our network monitoring and diagnostics tools have improved greatly, the introduction of a myriad interconnected SaaS applications and cloud hosted services have greatly complicated our typical network landscape, causing knock-on effects like latency to appear ...

February 23, 2018
Phil Tee

With 2017 behind us, the news cycle is still stirring up stories on artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), but has some of the excitement worn off? We're witnessing a surge of activity in the space. Can actual examples of AI in the enterprise rise among some of the noise that's inundating the market and hindering the credibility of everyone? ...

February 21, 2018
John Van Siclen

Three out of four (76%) of organizations think IT complexity could soon make it impossible to manage digital performance efficiently, according to the Top Challenges Facing CIOs in a Cloud-Native World report from Dynatrace ...

February 20, 2018
Holly Simmons

The Global CIO Point of View report compiled by ServiceNow notes that 89 percent of organizations are either in the planning stages or are already taking advantage of machine learning. Nearly 90 percent of the CIOs surveyed anticipate that increasing automation will increase the speed and accuracy of decisions, and more than two-thirds believe that decisions made by machines will be more accurate than human-made decisions ...

February 13, 2018
Chris Farrell

APM had to evolve to keep pace with development velocity and maintain the service quality for the modern applications born out of digital transformation. Automation and artificial intelligence (AI) technologies are critical to the next step in APM evolution, helping to address speed, scalability and intelligence demands ...

February 09, 2018
Shlomi Gian

Mobile app performance is still a significant issue. In a new report from PacketZoom, The Effect of Mobile Network Performance on Mobile App Users, 66% of consumers said reliable mobile app performance is "very important" — second only to mobile app security ...

February 07, 2018
Tim Flower

IT departments that shift from reactionary fire fighters to becoming proactive business partners find their ticket counts reduced from 20 to 50 percent or more. The strategies outlined in Part 1 of this blog may all sound like a great way to turn IT into a strategic, proactive business-enabler, but how can companies turn strategy into reality? The following are three best practices ...

February 06, 2018
Tim Flower

"We can't fix it if they don't call." I can't count how many times I've said those words in my IT career. We need users to call in their issues, while conversely we need our ticket volumes to decrease. How can IT lower the amount of call center tickets, quickly resolve those incidents that can't be avoided, and reduce their own costs in the process? Here are three key strategies ...

February 05, 2018
Jason Baudreau
NetBrain Technologies

Today's network engineers have their work cut out for them. Bigger, more complex networks have created an environment where network engineers are forced to adapt and develop more effective ways to manage and troubleshoot their networks. This begins with better visibility, which has presented an issue traditionally as engineers struggle to create an accurate picture due to challenges with static maps ...

February 01, 2018
Keith Bromley

Visibility technology can help by giving you access to critical monitoring, when you need it and in the format you need it. But improved visibility isn’t usually enough. You are probably going to need a more proactive troubleshooting approach as well ...

January 31, 2018
Leon Adato

Managing an increasingly complex IT environment and a business landscape that's constantly evolving requires IT pros to work fearlessly and tirelessly to keep modern corporate enterprises running smoothly. Results from SolarWinds' recent Little Known Facts survey find that, despite donating time for education and problem-solving for end-users, spending countless hours texting with their monitoring systems, and quelling security threats that would otherwise keep them awake at night, IT professionals agree that they tackle all of this and more because they love their jobs ...

January 30, 2018
John Van Siclen

On average, global retail websites for consumers doing online shopping between Black Friday and the 3rd January were visually complete and ready to use within 2.5 seconds, according to a series of benchmark tests conducted by Dynatrace ...

January 29, 2018
Chris Bihary
Garland Technology

Whether you're building a new data center or upgrading an existing one, make certain you ask, "Why are you clinging to a portable network TAP variation or make-shift solution? ...

January 25, 2018
Subbu Iyer
Riverbed Technology

Nearly half of IT decision makers surveyed from the retail sector in the United States, Australia and Germany say their company will need to adopt new technology in the next three years to evolve and stay competitive, according to the Riverbed Retail Digital Transformation Survey 2018 ...

January 24, 2018
Gary Sevounts
Aryaka Networks

SD-WAN solutions have been making inroads into the enterprise by delivering application performance improvements, reducing network complexity at branch offices, and reducing costs in some cases, but buyer beware: There are two primary underlying connectivity options, and application response times for one are four times better than the other ...

January 22, 2018
Nancy Van Elsacker Louisnord

Self-service and the concept of “Shift Left” are some of the phrases you will hear the most in the modern service management industry. The reason being is that you want to provide your users with the most important knowledge that you can to help them solve their issues and problems themselves, saving you time to focus on more important priorities. It’s a common problem, sort of a chicken and egg approach, but when you help your internal teams better meet their needs through such efforts, you also want to make sure that what is best for your service department also is best for your users ...

January 18, 2018
Sridhar Iyengar

Making predictions is always a gamble. But given the way 2017 played out and the way 2018 is shaping up, odds are that certain technology trends will play a significant role in your IT department this year ...
