Vendor Forum

March 24, 2014
Tom Fleck
OC Systems

Projects collect lots of metrics that they do not need. Here are some observations on why we collect too many metrics, and how we can avoid it ...

March 21, 2014
Paul Ellis
CA Technologies

A recent study conducted by CA Technologies, The Changing Role of IT and What to Do About It, provides both a wakeup call and some guidance for CIOs and IT leaders not wanting to follow the path of the dinosaur to extinction ...

March 18, 2014
Sai Sundhar

Are you sponsoring the NCAA basketball tournament in March? Well, maybe not directly. But you might be doing just that if your employees stream it on the company’s network through their desktops and, lately, their mobile devices as well. The result? Traffic spikes and strangled bandwidth. Here are eight things that IT teams can do to ensure that the network is well guarded and productivity remains untouched during March Madness ...

March 14, 2014
Ivar Sagemo
AIMS Innovation

Today's businesses are far more dependent on IT services than ever, and that's true whether you're talking about internal IT services used to drive strategic operations, or external IT services used to satisfy client and customer demand. Among the more daunting long-term potential consequences of downtime to the organization are these ...

March 12, 2014
Tom Molfetto

You've probably seen a couple of statistics that support of service-centric mapping: 80% of unplanned business service downtime is due to change, and that more than 50% of unplanned downtime is the result of human error ...

March 10, 2014
Oliver Cole
OC Systems

I have been in the performance engineering business for about 30 years. I get involved early on during system development and move off as the systems move to maintenance. I have noticed some similarities between the various projects that I have worked on ...

March 07, 2014
Patrick Hubbard

To remain relevant to business' overall goals, today's IT professionals must adopt new skillsets and be prepared to help their companies make informed, strategic business decisions, according to the New IT Survey conducted by SolarWinds ...

March 03, 2014
David Hayward
CA Technologies

IT development is on board with business transformation, being more agile than ever by building the apps that drive new, innovative services. But what about IT Operations? More than ever, real-time business performance is intertwined with IT infrastructure health. Any lapse in online service performance is felt all the way from the customer to the board room. IT Operations needs to know how to change its game ...

February 27, 2014
Eric Anderson

A recent Infonetics Research survey indicated that adoption of hybrid clouds among enterprises is projected to more than double by 2015. However, the cloud abstracts important detail from the people who need to make sure it's performing as expected. As business-critical applications move to the cloud, IT professionals need to understand what's happening in the "black box" beyond their physical reach ...

February 26, 2014
Jim Swepson

A friend of mine is a consultant and she doesn't easily have access to the latest technology and as such her trusty laptop is the mainstay of her business. She also uses her machine for personal stuff such as: online banking, online shopping, as well as her business and its applications. A good security system is of course essential ...

February 21, 2014
Bob Johnson

Just as a body is a single unit comprised of many different and unique parts, which – though different – all work towards the achievement of a single end: that is, the well-being of the body, so too are modern organizations comprised of many constituent units that are interdependent and connected and yet behave somewhat autonomously within the overall organizational ecosystem ...

February 19, 2014
Bruce Kosbab
Fluke Networks

From a market perspective, application-aware network performance management (AANPM) tools have often been lumped in with other NPM and APM solutions by analysts and media, despite the fact that they have somewhat (and occasionally very) different purposes ...

February 17, 2014
Dennis O'Flynn

There is often a disconnect between different IT teams and across environments. We need to work to bridge those gaps, particularly in the evolving relationship between the mainframe and distributed worlds ...

February 14, 2014
Sven Hammar

Very few of us actually have any idea what words like "latency", "bandwidth", and "internet speed" actually mean ...

February 11, 2014
Eric Anderson

Development teams love change. They're incented to push boundaries and respond to shifting circumstances. Operations teams not so much. Their job is to control change and mitigate risk so it doesn't undermine the stability and reliability of business ...

February 06, 2014
Lawrence Garvin

Consumerization of IT, namely the emergence of BYOx (where x is anything from apps, data to the latest mobile devices), is having a significant impact on business operations and the strategic implementation of emerging technologies, according to the New IT Survey conducted by SolarWinds ...

January 31, 2014
Tom Molfetto

Consider the cardiovascular system, which consists of the heart, pulmonary and systemic circulation loops, and blood vessels, and the approximately five liters of blood that the blood vessels transport. All of these elements combine into a single system that is responsible for the sustenance, regulation and protection of each individual human. But – more importantly for the purposes of this article – the cardiovascular system can also be likened to a business service ...

January 29, 2014
Matthew Selheimer

Over the last several years there has been lots of talk about the need for an "Industrial Revolution" in IT. But despite all the talk and recommendations, there are five common problems that stand in the way of the IT industrialization movement ...

January 28, 2014
Mike Heumann

Over the past few years, a number of new enterprise technologies have emerged that are critically reliant on network performance, but where this reliance is not necessarily obvious. These technologies include enterprise-class Voice over IP (VOIP) telephony solutions, Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) solutions, and enterprise collaboration tools ...

January 27, 2014
Suaad Sait

Increasing infrastructure complexity has affected the role of nearly all IT professionals, creating the need for new skillsets, including the ability to help companies make informed, strategic business decisions, according to the SolarWinds New IT Survey ...
