The APM Blog

July 27, 2015
Pete Goldin

IT service management professionals spend a significant proportion of their time on repetitive and disjointed tasks rather than on providing end users with the services they need to be most productive, according to a recent Unisys Corporation poll ...

July 20, 2015
Pete Goldin

The effect of digital disruption on business has the potential to overturn incumbents and reshape markets faster than perhaps any force in history, according to a new report released today by the Global Center for Digital Business Transformation ...

July 17, 2015
Terry Critchley
Author of "Making It in IT"

Some of the outage figures quoted by organizations look ludicrously small to me. Without casting aspersions on the veracity of these figures (or availability statistics), I do feel that some examination of them is needed ...

July 14, 2015
Dennis Drogseth

In my last blog, I discussed how IT service management (ITSM) roles (and rules) are becoming more operations-aware. The blog examined a number of key game-changers for ITSM, including a growing requirement for shared analytics; the rise (not the demise) of the CMDB/CMS and service modeling; cloud as both a catalyst for innovation and a resource to be managed; and support for enterprise services such as facilities and HR. I also discussed two topics, mobility and unified endpoint management, that I’d like to examine in more depth here ...

July 10, 2015
Pete Goldin

Demand for new enterprise mobile applications is expected to rapidly increase, according to a new 451 Research global survey, sponsored by Kony.

July 08, 2015
Dennis Drogseth

Both the “rules” and the “roles” governing IT Service Management (ITSM) are evolving to support a far-broader need for inclusiveness across IT, and between IT and its service consumers. Recent EMA research, What Is the Future of IT Service Management? (March 2015), exposed a number of shifting trends that might surprise many in the industry ...

July 07, 2015
Dennis Drogseth

Both the “rules” and the “roles” governing IT Service Management (ITSM) are evolving to support a far-broader need for inclusiveness across IT, and between IT and its service consumers. Recent EMA research, What Is the Future of IT Service Management? (March 2015), exposed a number of shifting trends that might surprise many in the industry ...

June 30, 2015
Pete Goldin

European organizations with the strongest Operational Intelligence capability are most likely to conquer the complexity of the fastest growing IT concerns, according to a new report titled Masters of Machines II, from analyst firm Quocirca ...

June 26, 2015
Pete Goldin

While nearly half (45%) of service desks are interested in technology integration, 75% do not have the ability to calculate return on investment, according to new research by LANDESK in partnership with the Service Desk Institute (SDI) ...

June 24, 2015
Coen Meerbeek
Blue Factory Internet

Given the extent to which companies are contracting out their IT organization to other parties, outsourcing appears to be making a comeback. But migrating your IT infrastructure and management to the cloud or another party remains a hot topic. In the outsourcing procedure you lay down your criteria for the quality to be delivered by the other party. We have to do this, because otherwise the supplier will rest on his laurels, which is the last thing we want. So, we've got our criteria, but who's going to monitor them and how transparent are the figures? ...

June 22, 2015
Gabriel Lowy

The "point of delivery", which is where users access composite apps, is the only perspective from which user experience should be evaluated. Thus, the most relevant metric for IT teams is not about infrastructure utilization. Instead, it is at what point of utilization the user experience begins to degrade. This means transaction completion. If transactions do not complete, user experience suffers as does business performance ...

June 19, 2015
Bob Wescott
The Every Computer Performance Book

When gathering performance data it is important to note that correlation does not prove causality ...

June 11, 2015
Dennis Drogseth

Here is a suggested Application Discovery and Dependency Mapping (ADDM) checklist summary, addressing key areas of product differentiation ...

June 10, 2015
Dennis Drogseth

The Application Discovery and Dependency Mapping (ADDM) market is evolving rapidly, and in multiple directions at once. While this can be confusing, it is overall a good thing. Through this diversity, vendors delivering ADDM capabilities are, as an aggregate, seeking to be more responsive to a yet broader set of constituents, use cases, and roles than ever before. This includes requirements emerging from internal and external (public) cloud, the extended enterprise across ecosystems, agile application development, and a dramatic upswing in currency, ease of deployment and modularity. In some cases you will want to be sure to select an ADDM package that integrates with your core CMDB at initial deployment. In other cases it may come at a later time as a separate investment. On the other hand, depending on use case and overall readiness, an ADDM package may be the right starting point for growing your CMDB System in Phase One even without a core CMDB ...

June 08, 2015
Pete Goldin

Remote monitoring and automated management reduce the time to troubleshoot faulty networking devices by 75%, according to Dimension Data’s annual Network Barometer Report ...

June 05, 2015
Gabriel Lowy

The PADS (Performance Analytics and Decision Support) Framework is a more strategic approach to linking next-generation performance management and big data analytics technologies. It establishes best practices for assuring user experience, reducing risk and improving decision making. The Framework provides real-time intelligence that enables companies to build customer satisfaction and loyalty, and improve operational efficiency ...

June 02, 2015
Pete Goldin

When compiling APMdigest's recent list of 20 Top Factors That Impact Website Response Time, I found it interesting to see several examples where intended improvements to websites can actually degrade the website's performance ...

May 22, 2015
Pete Goldin

Organizations large and small are struggling to meet their Key Performance Indicator (KPI) goals and prevent IT issues before they adversely impact the business — in fact, organizations detect and address an average of only 57% of critical IT issues before they impact the business — according to Continuity Software's 2015 IT Operations Analytics Survey ...

May 21, 2015
Pete Goldin

Companies are increasing IT salaries in order to attract and retain talent in a highly competitive hiring market, and the security profession in particular is red-hot, according to IDG’s Computerworld 2015 IT Salary Survey.

May 20, 2015
Dennis Drogseth

Very few CMDB solutions are currently packaged as standalone options. For instance, you may already have a CMDB embedded in your service desk that’s not yet in use. However, you may decide for any number of reasons that your current investment isn’t the one to take you the whole distance going forward. Moreover, there are a growing number of variations on a theme — as some CMDBs are packaged primarily as BSM solutions optimized for service impact and performance, others target workflow and automation, and some CMDB solutions are extensions of application discovery and dependency mapping tools ...
