The APM Blog

October 09, 2013
Pete Goldin

Page loading time is a simple but key metric that goes straight to your bottom-line, as illustrated in this new infographic by Kissmetrics ...

October 07, 2013
Jim Rapoza
Aberdeen Group

When you think of the home networking and technology setups at many homes today, it can certainly feel kind of like George and Jane Jetson’s home. Now compare this to an all too typical office environment, where users regularly complain about network performance and reliability ...

October 04, 2013
Pete Goldin

Nearly half of large enterprises will have hybrid cloud deployments by the end of 2017, according to Gartner ...

October 01, 2013
Dennis Drogseth

Application Discovery and Dependency Mapping (ADDM) may sound arcane — and sadly to some extent it still remains so. The notion of actively discovering application and infrastructure interdependencies for their impacts on service delivery, is still sometimes a combination of technological wizardry, domain expertise and sheer force of will. But the capabilities for doing this are evolving to become far more dynamic and varied in design and value than was true even two or three years ago ...

September 25, 2013
Pete Goldin

End-to-end APM is the "gold standard" in application monitoring, according to a new survey infographic titled The State of APM from Germain Software ...

September 24, 2013
Jim Rapoza
Aberdeen Group

Talk about the wire with IT and networking administrators and they’ll think of the data that is constantly flowing over their networks. In these settings, being on the wire means that these technology workers can see everything that is happening on their network in real-time. And this capability can be key for any organization that wants to ensure that their networks and the applications that run on them are reliable and performing at peak capabilities ...

September 23, 2013
Gabriel Lowy

With the explosion in the number of data points firms are analyzing, coupled with the proliferation of smartphones and tablets, more enterprises need to implement a cross-platform development strategy for better mobile app performance with HTML5 ...

September 20, 2013
Bob Wescott
The Every Computer Performance Book

On any given day you, as the performance person, should be able to have a fairly good idea of how much work the users are asking the system to do and what the major performance meters are showing. If you have a good sense of what is normal for your situation, then any abnormality will jump right out at you ...

September 19, 2013
Pete Goldin

Improving application performance is the top business priority for virtualized environments, according to a Gridstore study ...

September 16, 2013
Larry Dragich
Technology Executive

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the basic principles of APM, and a simple methodology that can be applied to any monitoring initiative or strategic discussion about application performance ...

September 13, 2013
Bob Wescott
The Every Computer Performance Book

Sometimes the results of your performance work contain bad (expensive, disruptive, or embarrassing) news. If that is the case, here are two suggestions that will make delivering that news easier and ultimately more useful for all involved ...

September 09, 2013
Jim Rapoza
Aberdeen Group

Is there anything better than free? Just saying the word sets off a burst of happy feelings (or maybe it’s endorphins) in most people. It’s true, people love getting things for free ...

September 06, 2013
Pete Goldin

Although the use of cloud services is growing faster than the overall enterprise IT market, it is still a small part of overall IT spending. Gartner highlights three key factors that will significantly impact enterprise cloud use in the near to midterm future ...

September 02, 2013
Pete Goldin

Although organizations are rapidly deploying emerging unified communications, cloud, mobile, and network technologies, network teams lack visibility into applications and end-user experience due to relying on legacy monitoring tools, according to the Sixth Annual State of the Network Global Study by Network Instruments ...

August 29, 2013
Bob Wescott
The Every Computer Performance Book

There are as many kinds of computer performance models as there are PhD candidates to dream them up. For most people, they feature complex math and nearly impenetrable terminology. I’ll bet many of them are wonderfully useful. Here, I want to convince you to look into performance modeling by exploring just two kinds of models: Capacity and Simulation ...

August 24, 2013
Jim Rapoza
Aberdeen Group

There are sure to be plenty of new technologies and products debuting at next week’s VMWorld conference in San Francisco. But one technology trend that attendees should expect to hear quite a bit of is Software Defined Data Centers ...

August 23, 2013
Pete Goldin

Shoppers consult three websites on average before making a purchase and poor website performance causes the shopper to go to a competitor, according to an extensive Harris Poll survey on website performance and mobile shopping sponsored by Riverbed Technology ...

August 21, 2013
Larry Dragich
Technology Executive

In a perfect world, APM has all the right elements in place, providing value to the business and IT by giving us the metrics we need and showing us the health of our applications. It alerts us to anomalies when slowdowns occur, and shows us trends on performance. But there are other elements in play that can make the operations a little smoother and our days a little brighter ...

August 15, 2013
Pete Goldin

APMdigest just posted a list of 10 Bottom-Line Business Benefits of APM. This is an important list, because I think the industry sometimes forgets that this is what Application Performance Management should be all about. It seems that sometimes the industry gets too caught up in the IT benefits of APM, and forgets about the business benefits of APM — even though those are the benefits that really matter in the end ...

August 13, 2013
Bob Wescott
The Every Computer Performance Book

At the Grand Canyon there are many places where you can walk right up to a cliff where, with one more step, you will fall hundreds of feet to your death. The closer you are to the edge of a cliff, the more precisely you need to know your location. In your campsite, a half-mile away, your exact location is not so life-critical. This is also true in performance work ...
