Vendor Forum

January 23, 2023
Ahsan Siddiqui

The spiraling cost of energy is forcing public cloud providers to raise their prices significantly. A recent report by Canalys predicted that public cloud prices will jump by around 20% in the US and more than 30% in Europe in 2023. These steep price increases will test the conventional wisdom that moving to the cloud is a cheap computing alternative ...

January 19, 2023
Anand Raman
Newgen Software

Despite strong interest over the past decade, the actual investment in DX has been recent. While 100% of enterprises are now engaged with DX in some way, most (77%) have begun their DX journey within the past two years. And most are early stage, with a fourth (24%) at the discussion stage and half (49%) currently transforming. Only 27% say they have finished their DX efforts ...

January 18, 2023
Destiny Bertucci

While most thought that distraction and motivation would be the main contributors to low productivity in a work-from-home environment, many organizations discovered that it was gaps in their IT systems that created some of the most significant challenges ...

January 11, 2023
Tucker Callaway

As demand for digital services increases and distributed systems become more complex, organizations must collect and process a growing amount of observability data (logs, metrics, and traces). Site reliability engineers (SREs), developers, and security engineers use observability data to learn how their applications and environments are performing so they can successfully respond to issues and mitigate risk ...

January 10, 2023
Richard Whitehead

As recent research uncovered, IT leaders invest in a lot of single-domain monitoring tools. In fact, teams rely on an average of 16 monitoring tools — and up to 40 — according to the Moogsoft State of Availability Report. Despite this heavy investment, teams are not achieving positive availability outcomes ...

January 05, 2023
Adam Blau

There are two words that strike fear in every IT professional: "unplanned outage." These come with a steep price tag: A recent report, The Modern IT Outage: Costs, Causes and Cures, found that downtime due to unplanned outages costs businesses $12,900 per minute ...

December 01, 2022
Leo Vasiliou

You could argue that, until the pandemic, and the resulting shift to hybrid working, delivering flawless customer experiences and improving employee productivity were mutually exclusive activities. Evidence from Catchpoint's recently published Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) industry report suggests this is changing ...

November 30, 2022
Ozan Unlu
Edge Delta

There are many issues that can contribute to developer dissatisfaction on the job — inadequate pay and work-life imbalance, for example. But increasingly there's also a troubling and growing sense of lacking ownership and feeling out of control ... One key way to increase job satisfaction is to ameliorate this sense of ownership and control whenever possible, and approaches to observability offer several ways to do this ...

November 28, 2022
April Hickel

Many have assumed that the mainframe is a dying entity, but instead, a mainframe renaissance is underway. Despite this notion, we are ushering in a future of more strategic investments, increased capacity, and leading innovations ...

November 21, 2022
Jay Botelho

From staffing issues to ineffective cloud strategies, NetOps teams are looking at how to streamline processes, consolidate tools, and improve network monitoring. What are some best practices that can help achieve this? Let's dive into five ...

November 18, 2022
Marcus Merrell
Sauce Labs

On November 1, Taylor Swift announced the Eras Tour ... the whole world is now standing in the same virtual queue, and even the most durable cloud architecture can't handle this level of deluge ...

November 17, 2022
Paul Stefanski

OpenTelemetry, a collaborative open source observability project, has introduced a new network protocol that addresses the infrastructure management headache, coupled with collector configuration options to filter and reduce data volume ...

November 16, 2022
Mike Marks

A unified view of digital infrastructure is essential for IT teams that must improve the digital user experience while boosting overall organizational productivity, according to a survey of IT managers in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), from Riverbed and market research firm IDC ...

November 15, 2022
Nadeem Zahid
cPacket Networks

Building the visibility infrastructure to make cloud networks observable is a complex technical challenge. But with careful planning and a few strategic decisions, it's possible to appropriately design, set up and manage visibility solutions for the cloud ...

November 14, 2022
Rajesh Ganesan

According to a recent IT at Work: 2022 and Beyond study, there have been a few silver linings to the pandemic ... The study revealed some intriguing trends, which will be discussed in turn ...

November 09, 2022
Tejo Prayaga

The absence of topology can be a key inhibitor for AIOps tools, creating blind spots for AIOps as they only have access to event data. A topology, an IT service model, or a dependency map is a real-time picture of tools and services that are connected and dependent on each other to deliver an IT service ...

November 07, 2022
Emily Arnott

Incidents should be your best friend. It sounds like a controversial statement. It sounds like a lot of unnecessary work. The truth is, for companies engaged in delivering any online or digital experience, taking this point of view is absolutely E-S-S-E-N-T-I-A-L ...

November 02, 2022
Colin Fallwell
Sumo Logic

SRE is now an essential engineering practice for enterprises seeking to accelerate digital transformations to digital-first brands. So how can companies empower SREs and adopt the model across their entire IT organizations to improve digital experiences and ultimately the business? It first starts with addressing the workforce gap and then breaking down team silos ...

November 01, 2022
Hannes Lenke

Configuring application Monitoring as Code (MaC) is the next logical step in modern software development ... Let's look at some key reasons why monitoring as code is here to stay ...

October 13, 2022
Rachna Srivastava

VMware's 2022 State of Observability found that companies are still grappling with increasing complexity and a lack of visibility — with 97% reporting challenges in their ability to monitor cloud application environments. In this blog, I'll outline key takeaways, including how cloud-native apps have rapidly grown in complexity, why the perception of observability has shifted, and what challenges still need to be addressed ...
